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Customer account details Graph showing sales and profit Sales Invoice Credit check

Accounts Receivable / Sales Ledger

Keep track of all your account and cash customers.   Enter invoices, credit notes, debit notes, payments, dishonored payments, early settlement discounts, cash refunds, write offs and adjustments.  You can even contra to a Purchase Ledger account, useful if any of your customers are also your suppliers.   You can keep a diary for each individual customer, a list of contacts, delivery address, send out pro-forma invoices, statements, the list just goes on!

It can display graphs showing payment history, sales history, and profitability.

Adminsoft Accounts is internet aware, so at the click of a button you can send an email to your customer, go to your customers web site, see a street map showing where your customer is located, and even make a basic check on your customers details to assist with your credit checking procedure.

There is a full range of reports available, including Aged Debt, Daybook, a General Customer Report, Profit Analysis, Cost Analysis, Analysis by Sales Type, Analysis by Sales Person, Customers in Sales order, and Customers in Profit order.

Sales Invoicing

Perhaps the most important part of any accounts system?   Lets face it, this is the business end.  We create sales invoices and send them to our customers for payment, without which no business would survive very long!  As such, we have given sales invoicing a lot of attention.   What we've produced is a full featured, powerful, yet quick and easy to use invoice system.

You can create invoices using free text (ie. just type in what you like), or you can invoice from a price list, or from stock, an invoice can be a mixture.  If invoicing from stock, costs will automatically be listed, so you can see how profitable each transaction is.  If you wish, you can enter/delete costs manually.   You can edit the VAT amount, invoice in a different currency (Euro for example, which is becoming increasingly common in the UK), specify an early settlement discount, specify a delivery address, and enter notes for internal use (ie.  not get printed on the invoice).

A delivery note can be printed, and of course invoices them selves can be re-printed.  You can even start creating an invoice, then save it to continue work on again later.  Very useful for 'work in progress' or where you get interrupted.

Layout of Invoices, Credit Notes, Statements, Advice Notes, Estimates,Delivery Notes, and Proforma Invoices are fully customizable.

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2024-03-28 Thursday: Adminsoft Accounts has been completely free to use since December 2006. In recent years the new Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing modules have not been available (in theory…) to those using the software for free ... more
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