Software Changes Log
From v4.000 I have tried to keep a log of most of the changes and bug fixes made to the software. There will be many very minor changes/fixes not detailed. As always, time is at a premium, so it is not possible to record everything. But hopefully, for users who need to know what's changed, and when, this log will be of help.
You should be aware, not every software version mentioned here was made available for public download. But of course all the changes/fixes are accumulative, so if a software version is not available, all the changes/fixes in that version will be in the later versions. Also, for the sake of speed, the ledgers are sometimes referred to as S/L (Sales Ledger, Accounts Receivable), P/L (Purchase Ledger, Accounts Payable), and N/L (Nominal Ledger, General Ledger).
v4.289 29th March 2025
- Both Aged Debtors and Aged Creditors reports now include an option to take deleted transactions into account
when producing a report for a previous date (perhaps a year/period end). This should allow it to produce a
more accurate report, as it would have appeared on the day. Though that doesn't necessarily mean a correct
report, because if a transaction has been deleted, it's been deleted for a reason. Hence, taking deleted
transactions into account is optional.
- Both customer and supplier account details now have an option in the current transactions list to re-balance
foreign currency transactions, that are actually paid, but still have a residual amount outstanding due to
currency fluctuations and other multi-currency related issues. Note: this is not available when the software in
running in Basic mode.
- Both customer and supplier account details windows have a new tab in the top right hand corner called "Extra Options".
Clicking on this currently reveals just one new button, "List Deleted Transactions". But other options will become
available over time. Note: this is not available when the software in running in Basic mode.
- Bank/cash accounts can now contain you bank details (such as account number, etc). This option is available from the
'Account Details' option in the list of cash/bank accounts, or by clicking the account details at the top of the
account statement option.
- Purchase Invoices and Credit Notes: When selecting a none-ledger currency, you can now edit the exchange rate to be
used for that particular transaction (as can be done with Sales Invoices/Credit Notes). Note, this feature is not available
when running the accounts system in Basic mode.
- General Ledger (Nominal Ledger): The "Batch Details" and "Transaction Details" options now contain a new option: "Change
Account". This allows you to quickly and easily change the account of a journal entry, without re-posting the transaction.
It can do this regardless of whether the transaction has been processed as part of a Sales Tax/VAT period end. It will not
allow you to change the account however, if the account period has been set to closed.
- Output of a report to Excel had started putting page breaks into the spreadsheet. Fixed.
- Database Fix option: When fixing stock/inventory items, any stock movements from the Sales Order Processing module
would be changed from stock booked out/in, to adjustments. Fixed.
v4.288 17th March 2025
- If a sale via A/c Receivable (Sales Ledger) or the Shop/Cafe Manager module is being paid in cash,
the invoice/receipt amount can now be rounded to accommodate the cash rounding rules of that particular
country. If you live in a country that rounds sales paid in cash, the option should be automatically
available. If not, you can set it up if you wish in the Settings option for A/c Receivable (Sales Ledger).
- Sales Invoice: In the "Stock Code or Description of Item/Service" input column, if you do a right click a
small menu appears. There is now an option to list any stock items that may be associated with the current
stock item in the invoice. An associated item can be selected from the list and automatically added to
the invoice. The window listing the associated items remains on screen, in case there are several items to
be selected. A quick way of getting to it, if the cursor is on the stock code, you can press the F6 button on
you keyboard, and that will take you straight to the list of associated items.
- United Kingdom only: Payroll EPS submission now includes entries for the apprenticeship levy.
- Backing Up: Within the backup option, there is a new backup method: "Backup to the Cloud". This
is specifically for backing up to a drive or folder that is automatically synced to the cloud. Though
could be used on any folder/drive. It automatically manages your backups, so you have a backup each
day over the last seven days (if you backup each day), a weekly backup over the last five weeks, and a monthly
backup over the last three months (this can optionally be extended up to a maximum of 8 years if you wish).
If you have cloud storage, this makes backing up very quick and secure.
- Statement of Income (Profit & Loss) report is now also available as a list. This makes it very easy to
check out any of the figures by going straight to the account details, or viewing a list of transactions
that went into generating the figures.
- Sales Tax/VAT Period End Full Report: If the setting "Include individual invoice lines" is selected, then
any Sales Tax/VAT codes that have been set to be excluded from the Sales Tax/VAT period summary will be
be indicated in the invoice figures. Note: if any overall discount is applied to an invoice, this will
be reflected in the goods and tax totals, but NOT in the individual prices in each line of the invoice.
- Sales Tax/VAT Period End Full Report: In certain circumstances, the column totals at the bottom of a list
of sales or purchase transactions would be wrong (this did not affect the tax summary). Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting, Imported Data Lists: When a list was selected for an email shot, if a contact
record was selected to view details, the details did not appear. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: Stock items delivered/booked out from a Sales Order/job were not showing in the
customer account stock items purchased list. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: When items were delivered/booked out from a Sales Order/job, if the Sales Order
figure in a stock item was not correct to begin with, it was possible for it to become negative. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: New Sales Orders/Jobs and copied Sales Orders/Job would have the status set to
'Part Delivered' instead of 'New'. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: When a required date for a Sales Order/Job was entered and an Order Confirmation
printed - without saving the Order/Job details first, the required delivery date in the Order Confirmation
would be empty. Fixed. It now automatically saves the Order/Job details before the output of any document.
- Sales Order Processing: The 'Sales Order' option in Stock Item Details would sometimes show an asterisk
against an order/job, even though no further deliveries/booking out wa required for that item. Fixed.
v4.287 26th February 2025
- United Kingdom only: The VAT Period End option has changed. Previously, you had to submit a VAT Return
to HMRC before processing the VAT period end. This is now reversed. The VAT period end has to be
processed before the VAT Return can be submitted, which is the more logical order of doing things.
- The customer, supplier and General/Nominal Ledger account detail windows, and the stock item detail
windows can now display a list of the last 30 accounts/stock items accessed. Just single right click
on the 'Find' button.
- The batch input options for customer and supplier transactions now all have the option to output to
Excel or Calc spreadsheet (as well as the usual 'print' options).
- Customers: when a Sales Invoice is being created, the 'Print Only' button will do exactly that, it will
print a preview of the invoice, but does not post it. It will now ask the user if they want to print,
to avoid users clicking this button and thinking the invoice is not printed and posted, when it isn't.
- Sales Invoices: when the price to the user was edited, the software may ask for a password, even though
it has not been set up to do so. Fixed.
- The Sales Tax/VAT calculator available in sales and purchase invoice options could not calculate the
tax exclusive price once it had worked out a tax inclusive price. In other words, if you entered a
figure into the 'Amount' input field, and then a tax code, and it calculated the total, you then
could not change that total and get it re-calculate to produce the tax exclusive price. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control: In stock item details, the 'Sales' list will list all sales for the selected
item. If a sale was via a Sales Order/Job in Sales Order Processing, it could not load the job details.
- Sales Order Processing: The order/job status did not always get updated properly, especially after an
invoice had been raised through the order/job. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: Both the options to list orders have a button the user can use to tell it to
ignore dates, and load all orders for the given type. But this did not work properly.
- When entering an adjustment into a customer or supplier account, if the amount entered was a negative
figure, it would post a negative debit/credit figures into the general Ledger (Nominal Ledger). For example,
it would post a negative credit amount, instead of making a debit posting instead. Fixed.
v4.286 5th February 2025
- AutoManager, Service Counter: The job details window now has a new button ("Duplicate") that can
duplicate the job. It can do this regardless of the status of the current job. Most dates will
be cleared, as will the status of any parts required.
- AutoManager, Service Counter: New jobs will now default to the first workshop in the list. Also,
the "Booked In" date will default to today's date.
- Supplier Invoices: There is now an option in settings that will allow a user (all users or just those
with 'supervisor' status) to create and post a purchase invoice with zero value.
- Sales invoices, credit notes, proforma invoices and advice notes can now be produced based on the price
of each item containing Sales Tax/VAT. As opposed to the current system (which is the default), of
using item prices excluding Sales Tax/VAT, and then working out tax based on the whole document. This
new facility should be useful for those who predominantly sell direct to consumer rather than to other
businesses. Separate defaults can be set up for print/PDF and HTML document layouts for those that
will be including Sales Tax/VAT in the line items. An option in the 'Settings' for Accounts Receivable
(Sales Ledger) can set the default for whether items invoices, etc. include or exclude Sales Tax/VAT.
Also, each customer account can be set up independently, perhaps useful if you sell to both consumers and
businesses customers.
- Sales invoices, credit notes, proforma invoices and advice notes can now have a password setup (in
the settings option) which will be required if a user wishes to change the price of a stock item.
The default is for no password, so that prices can be changed by any user (the current situation).
- Sales Tax/VAT Period End: The full report now totals the columns in the lists of sales and purchase
transactions. This may assist in understanding the breakdown of the figures in the respective summaries.
- The 'Import Transactions' option in Accounts Receivable (Sales Ledger) can now also import payments and
refunds. It can also automatically allocate them if a valid invoice or credit note reference is supplied
in the imported data.
- The 'Invoice Item profit Analysis' option in customer account details now includes column totals.
- In "General Settings" in the "Miscellaneous" menu (under "Setup"), there is a new option that can tell
the software to ignore the internet connection test it makes during start up. This option is not available
when using the software for free.
- Sales Order Processing: When creating a P/O from an order/job, if it contained a stock item that had a
description spread over two or more lines, the stock code/SKU would appear to the left of the description
on each line. It is only required for the first line. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: The operation of charges/costs within an order/job has been changed. Now, it is
assumed that all goods delivered to a customer are booked out from the 'Charges' section. Only one cost
can be linked to a charge, this enables the stock movement records to contain a selling price. In the
'Costs' section, only costs that are not linked to a charge can be booked out. They are considered to
be an overhead, and while they will update stock, they do not carry a selling price and do not update
the stock sales figures (as all sales are handled in the 'Charges' section). This simplifies the operation
of orders/jobs that use stock items.
- When using either the "Money Received" and "Money Paid Out" options, selecting a bank/cash account that
is not in the ledger currency will reveal a new input field for the exchange rate. However, if the
exchange rate was edited, control would be passed back to the account selection, and when moved away
to another input field or button, the exchange rate input field would change back to the default rate.
- HTML Sales Invoice/Credit Note layouts: If stock item notes were output, the notes were would appear in
one long line, often wrecking the layout. Fixed.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: When an item/s was sold, if the user clicked into the 'Details' section, the
Sales Tax/VAT table would still show the goods and tax values (although replaced when the next sale was
made). Fixed.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: After a sale was made, while the 'Stock Items' tab still showed the details of
the stock item just sold, when the button 'Full Stock Item Details' was clicked, it brought up the details of
a different stock item. Fixed.
v4.285 9th January 2025
- Customer Account Details: A new option "Invoice Item Profit Analysis" has been added (button in center of the
window). This lists each item in sales invoices, within a given date range, showing the sales and cost price,
profit, and margin % or mark up %.
- An option has been added (in settings) that will allow a stock code/SKU to be edited within an invoice, credit
note, advice note, etc. Normally, if a stock code is entered, the software automatically brings in the item description,
which then cannot be edited (any change is lost as soon as the cursor leaves the input field). This new setting
stops that, and allows the edited description to remain. NOTE: the first 20 characters in the input field are for
the stock code/SKU, if anything is changed in that space, it will consider it to be a different item.
- More options have been added to the toolbar: Create Sales Invoice, enter Payment Received from customer, new Estimates
(ledger based), enter Purchase Invoice received, and enter Payment made to supplier.
- General/Nominal Ledger: The Trial Balance report now has an extra setting to output the opening, closing,
and change columns as negative amounts for liability and income accounts.
- Sales Invoices: print/PDF layouts, now have an option to print a "Paid" image when an invoice has been paid (the option
to just print the word is still there). Also, a new data field, payment made date, has been included. Note: this is
based on the date of the last payment/credit allocation, which is usually the transaction date, but can be edited by
the user, so this may not always be the case.
- Sales Prospecting, Imported Data Lists: There is now an option that can search all lists for an email address,
or a contact name, etc. It can work on the full address/name, or just part of it.
- United Kingdom only: payroll will now automatically calculate the annual NIC Employment Allowance. The annual
allowance needs to be entered into the tax & NI tables for the tax year. It will then not make any N/L postings
for employer NI until the allowance is used up. Note: this enhancement starts in tax year 2025/26.
- The background "flow diagram" has been enhanced with different style buttons, and seven extra options: Create
Estimate (via Account Receivable Ledger/Sales Ledger), Create Purchase Order, Stock Item Details, and from Sales
Prospecting: Prospects, Leads, Estimates, and from Sales Order Processing: Production Control. Also, if you
right click on any of the new buttons, the respective menu for that ledger/module will appear.
- General/Nominal Ledger: The Trial Balance report option "Account Code order" was not sticky. When set,
it would lose its value as soon the the Trial balance option was exited. Fixed.
- Sales and Purchase transactions: If when finding an account from the list, and the "Create New Customer" or
"Create New Supplier" button was clicked, the account details button would appear behind the list of accounts,
and would not work until the "Cancel" button was clicked in the list to remove that window. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: The "Old Value Added Tax Period End Reports" option would allow a VAT Return to be submitted
even if it thinks a VAT Return has already been submitted (as is intended), but it did not pick up the VAT period
end date when making the submission. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting: Importing data into an email/mail data list, if the field 'Salutation Email' or 'Salutation Mail'
were selected (these are the names required for addressing the individual in an email or mail), the import would fail.
- Sales Prospecting: Importing data into an email/mail data list, the 'View Duplicate Emails' did not actually list the
duplicated emails within the list being imported. Fixed.
- When creating a customer sales invoice. If the customer account is set to make it mandatory that a purchase order
reference if entered, the invoice can not be posted until it is. However, after creating an invoice, if the 'New' button
is clicked, the customer account setting to make it mandatory to enter a purchase order reference was ignored. Fixed.
(this does not apply if the system in running in Basic mode, as a P/O reference cannot be entered into a basic invoice)
- Sales Order Processing: When a sales invoice was created, it would ignore any overriding Sales Tax/VAT code that was
in the customer account details. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: When creating a Purchase Order from a Sales Order/Job, it did not pickup the default delivery
address for Purchase Orders. Fixed.
- When right clicking on a menu item to change its color, if a custom color was selected, it would not display
the selected color. Fixed.
- Payroll: When using the 'Email Payslips' option to generate a separate email and PDF file (of a payslip) for
each employee in that payroll, the software would add the payslips of other employees into each PDF file. The
first employee in the list would receive only their own payslip, the next employee would receive their playslip
plus that of the first employee, the third employee would receive all three payslips, and so on. Fixed.
v4.283 5th November 2024
- Sales Order Prospecting: The Production Control option can now display the user defined description.
The user defined description and user defined code will only appear if they have been setup.
- Cash/Bank transfers: If neither of the selected accounts is in the ledger currency, when posting
the balance transfer from one account to the other, the software will display the amount in the
ledger currency, which you can accept or edit.
- Money Received and Money Paid Out options: If the selected bank account is not in the ledger currency,
the exchange rate to be used will be displayed, and can be edited if required.
- Accounts Payable/Purchase Ledger: If an option was selected to enter a new purchase invoice or credit
note, and the application window was not large enough for the full size invoice window, a message would
appear asking if you wanted to re-calculate Sales Tax/VAT. Fixed.
- Money Received (Multiple) and Money Paid Out (Multiple) options, when used in a company/organization
that is subject to Sales Tax/VAT, if after posting a transaction the 'New' button was clicked, the
Window would narrow. It then had to be dragged wide again before it could be used. Fixed.
- Sales Order Prospecting: Report prospect details, the input fields for 'Interested In' and 'Prosp. Source'
could not be filled in, as they were limited to 2 characters (should be 8). Fixed.
- Sales Order Prospecting: In the Order/Job Cost Details window, the "Include in Production Control"
setting was always greyed out. Fixed.
- Sales Order Prospecting: The Production Control, when outputting to a spreadsheet, the user description
column wasn't there, and the columns did not line up with the column headers. Fixed.
v4.282 3rd October 2024
- It is now possible to enter a Sales Order/Job number into a purchase invoice. This will allow you to keep
track of what items/services in a sales order/job have been invoiced, and at what cost. The option to view
the items for a particular order/job is in the order/job details, "Order/Production Control" section, just
under the list of purchase orders.
- When printing a list, there are two new output options: "View (PDF)" and "View (HTML)".
- When selecting to output a list or a report, you can now opt to produce the output in bold type. Currently
this is limited to the preview, print, and the three PDF options.
- Stock/Inventory Control: Option 'Stock Movements' in the 'Lists' section of the menu now has the sales or purchase
invoice number added to the far right hand side of the list. You will have to drag the window wider in order to see it.
- Sales Order Processing: When creating a sales invoice from an order/job, any stock items had their part code/SKU
appear on the first line, and the description started on the line below it. This is different to when a stock item
is selected in an invoice, or the invoice is created from AutoManager, there the part code/SKU appears followed by
the description on the same line. Invoices created from a sales order/job now show stock items in the same way.
- Sales Order Processing: Delivery notes (both print/PDF and HTML) can now print the item weight, solvent content,
unit (as in what the quantity means), and bin locations.
- Sales Order/Job: Both charges and costs will now allow a negative quantity to be entered. This can be useful where
you need to enter the details of a dispute with your customer and/or supplier, but want to keep the original quantities
intact. The value and profit of the order/job will change accordingly. But any stock cannot be booked in or out
where the quantity of a charge or cost is negative (if required, that should be done via the original charge/cost items).
- When outputting a report, if the 'Print Select' option was used, in order to select a specific Windows printer
at the time of printing the report, while it worked, a copy of the output would appear in the background of
the window. Fixed.
- Sales Order/Job, Delivery Notes: If no delivery address was selected, it would default to the address of the
sales prospect, or the customer account address if there was no valid prospect for the order/job. But, if
it had to use the customer account address, it was selecting the wrong account. Fixed.
- Sales Order/Job: When entering a new charge to a customer, if the window is also to create a linked cost, the
"Qty per Charge" input field would be 0.00, and greyed out so it could not be edited. Fixed.
- If a customer account requires a sales invoice to contain a customer P/O reference before it can be posted, this
did not work for sales invoices raised through Sales Order Processing. Now, if a sales order/job does not contain
a customer P/O reference, and one is required by the account, you will be able to preview an invoice, but not
generate an invoice that can be posted.
- Printing Lists: Page 1 of the occasional list could contain too many lines, this would result in an empty page
2. All the data was there, but it just wouldn't print on the second page. Fixed.
- Printing Sales and Purchase Daybook: when sending the output to a spreadsheet, some of the totals did not line
up in the same column as the data they were totalling. Fixed.
v4.281 18th September 2024
- Sales Order Processing, Order/Job details: The charges to customer now display the stock code (as the costs
from supplier have always done).
- Email shots can now be started and ended at a selected record number. This can be useful if you want to send
out an email shot in two or more stages, or if you have to cancel an email shot part way through, and then
re-start it.
- Sales Prospecting and Order Processing: it is now possible to make the input of a sales representative code
mandatory in leads, and/or estimates, and/or orders/Jobs. The option is in the Sales Prospecting and Processing
Settings option, 'General 1' section.
- Sales Prospecting and Order Processing: There is now an option in Settings ('General 1' section) that allows you
to specify what you want putting into the brief description when creating a sales invoice from an order/job.
- Customer account details: when printing a list of special prices for the customer, the customers account code and
name now appear at the top of the print out.
- Sales and purchase invoices (level 2 only): if they have been edited, you can now click the posting reference (in the
"Details" section) to view an edit history. The full details of each previous incarnation of the invoice (or credit note)
can be displayed.
- Sales Prospecting Estimates and Sales Orders/Jobs: the way in which a customer price was arrived at was inconsistent,
as it varied depending on the option used. Now, if the item is a stock item, it will always use the stock price, taking
any customer account discounts into account (and using any special prices for a customer, if
any). If the item is not a
stock item, it will use the default markup/profit percentage as specified in the settings.
- Sales Invoice created from Sales Order Processing: When finishing or editing the invoice (or credit note), if the
cursor skipped through a line containing a stock item, the item would be doubled up in the costs section: Fixed.
- Remittance Advices: when output as an HTML email, the Remittance Advice number and supplier name were not included
in the email subject line (they always have been when output as a PDF email). Fixed.
- Invoices: this affects both sales and purchase invoices, if the Sales Tax/VAT amount calculated
was edited, the Early Settlement discount (if any), and outstanding figures in that section did not
get updated (although the invoice was saved and posted correctly). Fixed.
- Customer and supplier write off transactions: when viewing an old write off that has been processed as part
of a Sales Tax/VAT period end or is in an account period now closed, a message would appear saying the
transaction date is invalid. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting, Estimates: when entering a new cost item, if a charge is being created at the same
time, the Sales tax/VAT code search button for the charge was not enabled. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing, Order/Job: when entering a new cost item, if a charge is being created at the same
time, the Sales tax/VAT code search button for the charge was not enabled. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing, Order/Job: In the 'Items Delivered to Customer' option, the ability to edit any
linked cost item quantities was not enabled. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing, Order/Job: If the 'Items Rcvd Back from Customer' was selected, the order status
would change to 'Production', even if the user clicked 'Cancel' within the 'Items Rcvd Back from Customer'
option. Fixed.
- Sales Commission History would lose track of commission payments if a transaction was edited. Fixed.
Though the fix will not work retrospectively. Existing incomplete commission histories will remain
- General/Nominal Ledger: When editing an existing transaction, any notes in the original transaction did not
not get carried over. Fixed.
v4.280 7th August 2024
- Sales Order Processing: In an order/job, stock levels are now only controlled from any costs in the job. If items
are booked out for delivery to customer from the charges section, stock will get updated via any links from charges
to cost items. In the delivery to customer option, costs and the quantities used can be edited. It is now possible
to link multiple cost items to one charge item (this can be useful in situations where a charge item needs to be constructed
from several cost items). It is no longer possible to update stock from a sales invoice generated from an order/job.
The modifications that have been made, aim to make the system easier to use, and yet provide a good degree of flexibility.
- Nominal/General Ledger settings: The input field 'Path for scanned documents' had a limit of 40 characters. This
has now been increased to 100 characters.
- The email shot options in each ledger and Sales Prospecting, now have the facility to create an email/mail list
from the data generated. Provided the Sales Prospecting module is available. This list sits in the Imported File lists
in Sales Prospecting, and can be manipulated in the same way as other mail/email lists.
- Sales Prospecting, Estimates: When editing a charge, if it wasn't linked to a cost, the 'OK' button would
be greyed out. Preventing an edits from being saved. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting, Estimates: If the 'Sales Rep.' input field was empty, usually a sales code could not then
be entered into it. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting, Estimates: If the 'sales Rep' input field contained a valid sales rep code, when the user
moved the mouse cursor over the name of the sales rep., instead of allowing them to click it to
view the employee details (if they had access rights), it would say "No sales representative/executive
has been selected?". Fixed.
- Print/PDF Layout Editor: If the number format of a numeric data field was edited, the edit was ignored.
This appears to be due to a bug crept in maybe a couple of versions ago. Fixed.
- Previewing a sales invoice: If the customer account or an order/job in Sales Order Processing had a whole
invoice discount, the discount percentage and amount were not used when displaying the invoice details. Fixed.
v4.279 23rd July 2024
- Sales Tax/VAT Period End: it is now possible to set up the automatic generation of a reminder for the
next period end.
- In customer account details, a right click into the list of Proforma Invoices will display a small
window providing some extra options. This includes linking to a Sales Invoice, removing a link,
and also un-cancelling a Proforma Invoice.
- Sales Invoice Print/PDF and HTML Layout: now has an extra data field for the subtotal, that displays a sub-total
excluding any whole invoice discount.
- The "View General Reminders" and "View ALL Reminders" options in the "General" menu did not list
all the reminders available. Fixed.
- Trial Balance: the 'Opening Balance' column would not show any figures, or would just show figures from the
start of the financial year. It appears this bug crept into the software in v4.278, when the report by
account reference number was introduced. Fixed.
- Sales Invoice: When using the 'Print Only' button when creating a new invoice, it would post the invoice
before printing it. Fixed. (Note, printing an a new invoice without posting means the printed invoice doesn't
have an invoice number. It doesn't get a number until it's posted.)
Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing
Some work to this system has been done, as outlined below. However, the way in which stock is handled in a sales order/job is soon going to change substantially. Possibly in the next version of the software (v4.280). This is because the way it currently works is causing confusion, and it's not really meeting the requirements of many users.
- Both the charge and cost items in an estimate or order/job now
show more details of the cost/charge item it is linked to. In addition, when creating a new cost item, a
charge item can be created at the same time, and automatically linked to it. And vice versa when creating a
new charge item.
- The ability to reserve stock for a specific cost item has been removed. If the cost item is
a stock item, the sales order/job quantity will be displayed in the stock item details anyway. So having a seperate
reserve function was just confusing things. In the stock item details, the stock balance is now calculated as:
quantity in stock now, less stock reserved (AutoManager can still reserve stock), less sales orders, plus any
outstanding purchase orders.
- In the order/job details, if the 'Copy ALL Costs to Charges' button was clicked, it only
copied the first cost item in the list. Fixed.
v4.278 20th June 2024
- Customer report: Can now output a sales summary, based on a monthly, quarterly,
or annual time period.
- Supplier report: Can now output a purchase summary, based on a monthly, quarterly,
or annual time period.
- Stock/Inventory Control: When viewing the details of a delivery note or kit build, the values in the
'Price/Cost' column are based on the values in the 'Per' column. Which for a kit will reflect the number
of items used to build the kit/s. There is now a setting that will show the price/cost for each item,
rather than a total price/cost, which for a kit is what it effectively shows be default.
- Stock/Inventory Control: Import Data from Supplier option now has a setting that allows you to tell it
not to update the log in each stock item involved in the import. This can be useful if you regularly
import files containing many thousands of stock items. It will help to keep the stock file sizes to a
- The 'Locate Transaction' options for both customer and supplier transactions can now be dragged wider
to display the customer/supplier name.
- The user defined 'Documents' menu that can appear on the top menu bar, was difficult to maintain.
This has now been improved. Also, the number of menu items (documents) that can be added to the menu has
increased from 20 to 40.
- Trial Balance report: The default is to list in account code order, but the report is divided up into a
section for each account type. Now it has an option to list the accounts in account code order, ignoring
the account type (e.g. asset, liability, and so on).
- The 'Help' button on most windows now has a 'Save Option' button. This will save an image to a file of
whatever option you were in when you clicked the 'Help' button. A similar option is in the 'Help' menu,
but it may be more useful to also have it located here.
- Re-index Database: A new option has been added 'Compress the database to minimise file sizes'. This removes
unused records from files that contain text (such as user notes, activity logs, etc) and images. These files
are very fast to access, but they are not disk space efficient.
- United Kingdom: The layout of the VAT Period End option has been changed to make it easier to understand the
process. This should be of considerable benefit to new users.
- It is now possible for Adminsoft to send a basic message to all users of the accounts system (from v4.278 on).
The message (if any) is collected at the time the application is ending (rather than make the start up slower),
and so will not be seen until the following session (often next day). This facility will only be used very
- Sales Invoices, Credit Notes, Advice Notes, Proforma Invoices and Estimates (created from Accounts Receivable/Sales Ledger),
when a stock item is entered that spreads over multiple lines (perhaps extra description and/or a surcharge) when
the cursor moves out of the 'Each' input field, it will automatically go to the 'Quantity' field in the next available
line. E.g. skipping any extra description or surcharge lines.
- Payroll: When a payslip layout contained a logo object, the payslip would not print out. In fact, it usually
crashed the application with an 'exception' error! Fixed.
- Payroll: When working on designing a payslip print/PDF layout, if there was a rectangle object in the layout,
it was not possible to drop any objects directly into it. They had to be dropped to the side and then moved.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: when entering a full invoice discount, the discount amount field in the
invoice would be doubled up. Although the actual discount amount given would be correct. Fixed.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: there are two versions of this option, a narrow one (that is less than 800
pixels wide) and a wide one (which is probably the version used most of the time). Which version is
selected is done automatically, and depends on the available screen space. Where the retail 'Price Per'
for a stock item was not 1, the narrow version did not always pickup the correct 'Price Per' figure. If
not noticed by the user, this could result in an incorrect retail price being used in the invoice. Fixed.
- When running the software for free, if a new company/organization was being added, the software
would always wrongly report the figures for the maximum available accounts and transactions. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control: Import Data from Supplier option, some things would be recorded as changed in
the stock item log, regardless of whether they had changed or not. These included: whether the item
was controlled, weight, item type (goods/service), solvent content, and sales tax/VAT code. Fixed.
v4.277 21st May 2024
- Payroll: In the 'Payroll Setup' option in the main payroll option, there s now an option to
clear down the year-to-date and previous employment pay and tax figures for all employees
associated with the selected payroll.
- Payroll: In the 'Pay Details' section in employee details, there s now a button to clear the
employees year-to-date and previous employment pay and tax figures. There is also a button that
will list a log of all payroll related changes made to an employee (the log is not retrospective,
it will only start logging events from the date you update to this version of the software).
- Payroll: In the payroll history list, there are now Delete and Edit buttons. The 'Delete' button
will delete a payroll period, provided no employees have been paid (and if in the UK, provided no
FPS has been submitted to the HMRC). The 'Edit' button allows you to edit the tax year, pay period
number, and the start/end dates of the pay period.
- Print/PDF layout editor: The object properties windows can now update the object in real time, as the
the object properties are edited.
- Adjustment and Write off transaction windows in both ledgers did not re-size properly when using extra
large window and font sizes. The amount total and buttons were off the bottom of the window. Fixed.
- The option to transfer a balance from one cash/bank account to another did not work if the software was
running as Freeware. Fixed.
v4.276 12th May 2024
- AutoManager: The engine and chassis serial numbers for an item of equipment or a vehicle, have been
expanded from 20 characters to 25.
- AutoManager, Service Counter: When a job is invoiced, if the invoice is saved rather than posted, then later
you go back into the job and click the button to raise an invoice again, it will now ask if you want the
saved invoice to be deleted.
- Print/PDF layouts: When editing a layout, you can now move several objects around the layout in one go,
instead of one at a time as had to be done previously. Objects can also be automatically lined up to
the left (or right). Click the 'Help' button in the layout editor for more details.
- Supplier details report: the transaction reference was limited to 8 characters. This has now been
increased to 15.
- Supplier details report: a date range can now be specified for transactions (which includes ProForma
- Customer Account Details: the section listing historical transactions (i.e. transactions with no outstanding
balance) was limited to only showing the most recent 65,000. This limit has now been removed.
- Customer details report: a date range can now be specified for transactions and any selected additional
items (proforma invoices, advice notes, etc.).
- Department code added to the print/PDF layout for invoices, credit notes, debit notes, advice notes and
profroma invoices.
- When entering sales or purchase invoices and credit notes in a currency other than the ledger currency,
if you position the mouse cursor over the currency code displayed, the help text will sow the total value
of the invoice/credit note in the ledger currency.
- The lists that list all emails sent to an account, prospect, or in connections with a particular ledger,
now have an option to display any CC or BCC email addresses.
- Print/PDF layouts: in the layout editor, if you right click on the 'Load' button to load a layout, it
will activate the Visual FoxPro report editor and show the layout in that. Only recommended for those
experienced in Visual FoxPro development.
- The drop down menus vanish when an option is selected, or the mouse cursor moves over the background. But
if there are several windows open, there may be little background available in which to move the cursor into.
So, now a menu will vanish when the cursor moves off it. Unless the cursor is very near the top of the menu,
then it assumes the user wants to select another drop down menu, and will leave the menu system active.
- Payment to supplier, when displaying details of a payment, if the payment was made from a Remittance
Advice, the remittance reference would be covered up by the notes input field. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control: When adding a supersession to a stock item, if the supersession already exists,
the two items should be merged. But some data fields, such as bin locations, extra description, CN code,
etc. were not being merged with the stock item being superseded to. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: in the order/job delivery address details, the button to display a map showing the
location of the delivery address did not work. Fixed.
v4.275 16th April 2024
- When using the software for free (Freeware): the number of concurrent users is now limited to 2. The number
of companies/organizations that can be created is not limited, but the third company/organization onwards will
have the number of customer and supplier accounts restricted to 100 each, the number of sales and purchase
transactions to 1,000 each, and the number of General Ledger (Nominal Ledger) transactions to 4,000. If there
is more than one copy of Adminsoft Accounts installed on the same PC, then the restrictions apply from the
second company/organization created. None of these restrictions apply to purchased copies of the software.
- Stock Item Details: there is now an option next to the LIST cost price of the item, that when set will
automatically update any supplier records for that item with the LIST cost price entered. This option
is specific to the stock item. So items may update the supplier records and some may not, depending on
your requirements. The default setting for this option can be set in the Settings option for stock/inventory
- When a Remittance Advice is paid, if any invoices were subject to Early Settlement Discount (this is the
same a Prompt Payment Discount), it will now automatically create an Early Settlement Discount transaction
and post and allocate it. This saves time having to create and post them manually. This new feature can be
turned off if required in the Settings option.
- When creating a Remittance Advice, if an invoice is subject to early settlement discount, but the
date up to which settlement discount can be applied is past, the Remittance Advice would assume
the settlement discount was not going to be applied. Now it points out it's too late to claim
the discount, but asks if the user wants to claim it anyway.
- When Early Settlement Discount is used, a message can now appear in the body of the invoice when it is
output (print/PDF or HTML) telling the customer about the discount. Go to the Settings option to enter
a message. In the UK, this message is a legal requirement, and a default message will already exists for
UK users.
- Early Settlement Discount transactions can now be automatically created, posted and allocated when a payment
is entered, a Remittance Advice, or a set of payments from the Payment List option. This facility can be turned
off in the respective Settings option for each ledger if required.
- Change Window and Font Sizes: there is now an option to increase the size of the top menu bar and/or
increase th size of the text and graphics in the background.
- Purchase Order Processing and the Stock Received option: It is now possible in Settings to override the
software's usual procedure for obtaining a cost, and force it to use the selected cost.
- Supplier account details: when a new supplier was added, the button to create a new Remittance
Advice was not enabled (i.e. it was greyed out). Unless the user went to a different supplier
account, and then back again. Fixed.
- Supplier account details: the 'Print Label' button didn't work. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting: in the option that displays a lead, the 'Print List' button did not work. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: When using the option to list invoices that were subject to a CIS deduction,
the button to view the invoice details didn't work. Fixed.
- Change Window and Font Sizes: When an increased font size was selected the Early Settlement Discount options
for both ledgers would display a window that was not high enough (the buttons would be off the bottom and
not visible. Also, in most windows, when the 'Help' button was clicked, the window and all controls and
text in the window would get much larger (and get larger each time the 'Help' button was clicked'). Fixed.
- When using the 'Search the Help Text' option in the 'Help' menu, if any text was selected, it would not
display the actual help text related to it. Fixed.
- Asset Depreciation: listing the posting from the asset details, some of the postings would occasionally not
always appear in the correct date order. Fixed.
- Customer account details: When outputting the current transactions into a spreadsheet, it would display
the account number and name of a random Supplier! Fixed. Also, if it was supposed to be showing the
transaction figures in the customers currency, it could display some odd looking figures. Fixed.
- Supplier account details: When outputting the current transactions into a spreadsheet, if the account
details were set to show numbers in the suppliers currency, the spreadsheet output would ignore this setting.
v4.274 12th March 2024
- United Kingdom only - MTD VAT Submissions: It is now possible to adjust the figures of a VAT Return.
The option is in the VAT Period end option.
- There is now an option that can make Adminsoft Accounts automatically start up when Windows starts up.
The option is in Setup -> Miscellaneous -> Settings
- Payroll: employee payslips can now be output as HTML. The payslips can be emailed, with the payslip as
part of the body of the email. The HTML layout is of course completely user definable (it does require a
working knowledge of HTML).
- Sales Prospecting, Imported Data Lists: in the details of a list, there is now an option to create a copy
of the list.
- Sales Order Processing, there is a new option in the 'Lists' section called 'Changes to Costs/Charges'.
This will list any changes made to costs or charge in an order/job after it has been invoiced.
- Customer Statements: where a 'date from' is used, any transactions with an outstanding balance were still
included in the statement. Now the 'date from' applies to all transactions, whether they are outstanding
or not. A brought forward figure is now added to the start of the list of transactions, where appropriate.
- Sometimes when exiting the application, a message can appear saying it can't open a file. Fixed.
- When entering adjustments via the 'Stock Take Adjustments' option, it could sometimes display a message
saying "Stock item (internal ref. ) could not be found?". Fixed.
- Sales Tax/VAT Period End Processing: after processing the period end, it would cause a problem with the
top menu bar, preventing it from working properly. Fixed.
v4.272 12th February 2024
- Customer account: both current and historical transactions can now be output to a spreadsheet via the
'Print List' button.
- Supplier account: both current and historical transactions can now be output to a spreadsheet via the
'Print List' button.
- Batched input of invoices and payments, for both customers and suppliers, can now have some of the input
fields repeating from transaction to transaction. This saves time having to re-enter some details that
may always (or nearly always) be the same. Exactly which input fields are repeated is set up in the respective
Settings option for each ledger.
- In both the creditors and debtors options, you can now click on an account listed to see a list of the
transctions that make up the outstanding balances.
- Check/cheque printing is now supported. The layout is user defineable, and while it's intended to use
pre-printed blank stationary, it could print the whole check/cheque (bar codes are not currently supported).
- There is now a 'Payment List' function, that allows you to select invoices for inclusion on the list for payment.
Checks/cheques can be printed from the Payment List, and a report is available that will list the payments
required and the suppliers bank details - which should be useful for when paying via on-line banking.
- Supplier account details: the list of Proforma Invoices or Factors could not be printed. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control, supplier cost/part details: the data field 'Last time item received' is not
the correct description for the data presented. It has now been corrected to read 'Cost price last
changed'. Also, the method used to change the cost price (if available) is now displayed just below it.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'Compare Orders to Invoices' option now has a setting that will allow it
to compare orders/jobs that have one or more invoices, relardless of the order/job status.
- Sales Order Processing: the list of sales invoices and proforma invoices now shows the invoice totals
excluding any Sales Tax or VAT.
- Clearing down accounts data: when the 'Clear Down' button was clicked, it couldn't proceed with the
clear down. It insisted there were other Windows open in the application, when there wasn't. Fixed.
- If the menu was changed to disable the background images in the menu, the background could sometimes
appear black. Fixed.
- If the traditional menu was selected the top menu bar fr the new menu would remain on screen,
although the menu pad wouldn't work. Fixed (the new menu options no longer remain on screen)
Note: the traditional menu only remains active for that session.
- When Adminsoft Accounts starts up for the first time, an error message is displayed:
Error instantiating class. Cannot find loading in class_library.vcx Fixed.
- Editing print/PDF layouts: when dragging a data item onto the layout, if the point of the mouse
cursor stopped on a dotted line (part of the grid in the background), the data item would not
drop into the layout. Fixed.
v4.271 8th January 2024
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger: Cash/Bank statements can now be set up to default to displaying transactions
for the whole of the previous month and the current month (which will include any future postings that fall
within the current month. The setting is in the 'Settings' option for that ledger.
- Supplier Remittance Advices: in both print/PDF and HTML layouts there is now an extra data field that
will output the text "Applied" or "Not applied", depending on whether the Early Settlement Discount has
been taken or not. In print/PDF layouts the data field is E/S Applied____ and in HTML layouts it's
- Print/PDF layout editor now has a button that will allow you to move all objects within a layout (in the selected
section) up, down, left or right. Much quicker and easier than moving them all one at a time if you find the
position of the layout needs moving.
- Payroll: now uses user defined print/PDF layouts for payslips. The original selection of 4 different payslip layouts
are still there, but now they can be edited.
- United Kingdom only: payroll could handle up to 5 tax bands. As the new Scottish Advanced tax band to be
introduced in tax year 2024/25 takes their number of tax bands to 6, the number of tax bands has been increased
to 9 (to allow for future extra bands). Tax & NI rates for tax year 2024/25 are now added.
- Cash/Bank statement: when a transaction has been clicked, instead of clicking the 'Reconciled' or 'Un-reconcile'
buttons, you can now press 'R' or 'U' on your keyboard instead (this is optional, the buttons are still there).
- Cash/Bank statement: now has a button that will mark all transactions in the statement (between the selected dates)
as reconciled. Note: the location of the 'Un-reconcile Statement' button has changed. It now sits below the new
'Reconcile Statement' button, to the left of the individual transaction reconcile and un-reconcile buttons.
- Sales Order Processing: the option 'List Sales Order/Job Values/Profit against Invoices for ALL Customers'
was including proforma invoices, when it should include sales invoices only. Fixed.
- In the start up window, if the user clicked the 'List Current Users' button, and then clicked one of the
options in that window, the new option would appear behind the 'List Current Users' window. Fixed.
- In the start up window, the user should be able to double click on a company/organization to go into that
set of ledgers. But this stopped working. Fixed.
- In the user login window, when a User ID and Password (if required) were entered, the user could simply press
the Enter key on their keyboard to login, but this stopped working. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control: The Stock Search option did not search for text in the extra description,
bin locations or notes data fields correctly. Most searches using these fields would not find the stock
items. Fixed.
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger: The wider version of the cash/bank statement (automatically appears if there
is sufficient screen space available to the application) has a button to un-reconcile all transactions that
are visible in the statement at that time. This stopped working a while ago. Fixed.
- When using the 'Save Window Image' option in the 'Help' menu, it saved the image of the window using the name
of the menu itself instead of the name of the window being saved. Fixed.
v4.270 14th December 2023
- When using the 'Large Window and Font Sizes' option to increase the size of nearly everything in
the application, the 'Money Received' and 'Money Paid Out' options did not appear correctly.
The buttons at the bottom were below the bottom level of the form, and could not be clicked. Fixed.
- When entering purchase invoices, if the cursor went into an empty Purchase Analysis code input field,
a list of available Purchase Analysis codes should appear if you then try to exit the input field.
But this stopped happening (it would would only work if clicking into the tax or 'Each' columns. Fixed.
- Payroll: In the employee payslip details, if the 'Change Tax & NI Figures' option was used. The tax
amount always got set to 1.00 Fixed.
v4.269 8th December 2023
- The initial start up window has been improved.
- The application main menu bar has undergone substantial changes. It's now far more visually appealing,
helpful, and customizable.
- Sales Prospecting: the 'Potential Prospects/Telesales' option now has an extra button to display a KPI
analysis for each sales person.
- Sales Order Processing: orders/jobs in Production Control can now be listed in order/job number order.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'Goods/Service' and 'Quantity' columns are now clickable, and will bring
up the cost item details to view or edit. Any changes to the cost details are then immediately reflected
in Production Control, without having to re-load the data.
- Sales Order Processing: Production Control will only include cost items where the quantity is more than
one. The idea being, if it's one, it's likely to be delivery or something similar. Now, in the cost item
details, if the quantity is one or less, there is an option to include it in Production Control anyway.
- Sales Order Processing: In Production Control, you can now filter cost items according the item status.
- United Kingdom only: when creating a new tax year in the payroll, the previous year can now be copied into
the new year (can save some typing).
- Customer statements can now have a cutoff date for transactions.
- AutoManager: If an invoice generated from a service/repair job was credited, the credit note would not
put any stock items back into stock. However, once a job was invoiced, there is no way to return items
back into stock. So, now any credit notes created from an invoice generated from Service Counter will
automatically put any stock items back into stock.
- Sales transactions: when an invoice or credit note is deleted, any associated stock movement records are
now also deleted, and the stock items rebalanced. This is makes it the same as for purchase transactions,
which have always worked this way. Previously, when a sales transaction was deleted, the stock movements
would remain, and another set of stock movements created to reverse the stock. But this sometimes lead to
some confusion. This is not retrospective, so stock movements will remain for any transactions deleted
prior to updating to v4.268
- Stock/Inventory Control: the stock item details window, when listing sales or purchases, now lists the
invoice number or Sakes Order/Job number, or P/O number, as appropriate.
- If the company/organization details are edited, you can now change the country (though not the currency,
that can only be changed via Setup -> Miscellaneous -> Currencies).
- Sales Order Processing: under certain settings, when stock was booked out from an order/job, and the
order/job was then invoiced, the figures in the order/job showing quantity delivered could be doubled
up. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: Production Control only showed the first two digits of the year in the 'Required'
column (ie. just the century). Fixed. It now shows the last two digits instead.
- Sales Order Processing: Production Control can now have a delivery tracking number entered for one or more
items, simply left click into the new 'Courier' column.
- AutoManager: Graph displaying sales from Parts Counter could not be re-sized. Fixed.
- When printing a copy of an invoice input from a supplier, any stock items that have a space in the stock
code/SKU would not print correctly. Only the first part of the stock code/SKU up to the space would print.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'Events' fields in Production Control did not display correctly. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'Goods/Service' column in Production Control would cut long descriptions
short, and would not display mult-line descriptions properly. Fixed.
- Sales Tax/VAT: if a company/organization was subject to sales tax/VAT, and default sales tax/VAT codes were
set up in some customer, supplier, and/or stock item records, if the company/organization was de-registered
for sales tax/VAT, the software would continue to use those default sales tax/VAT codes to calculate a tax
due amount. Fixed.
v4.267 13th October 2023
- UK only: if operating VAT using the Cash Accounting method and applying advanced payments, in the 'VAT
Period End' option, a 'Full Report' could produce odd figures (or even just stars, as in *) for the
advanced payment figures. Fixed.
- When an email with one or more attached files was sent, if the email was later displayed, it would not
include the attachments. Fixed. (note: it only saves the location and file name of attached files,
not the file contents, so if a file no longer exists, although you will continue to see it's location
and name it cannot be viewed or resent)
v4.266 6th October 2023
- Sales Prospecting: a new module has been added, to be used mainly for telesales. Rather than fill up
the main prospect database with details of organizations/people who may or may not be interested in
your products/services, this option exists to handle those 'suspects', or 'potential prospects' as
they're called in Adminsoft Accounts. Sorry, but this module is only available to users who have
purchased a software licence.
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger: the 'Cash and Bank Accounts' option that displays the balance in each
account, now also shows a total balance at the bottom.
- When a sales or purchase invoice was edited, if the tax date was changed, that date change was not
reflected in the movements of any stock items, or in the items sales data (it only altered any
quantities and/or prices). Fixed.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: when a stock item was sold that had a sales discount set up on it, if
the sales discount code had a different cost method setting to the default cost method setting in
Stock/Inventory Control, it would use the cost method on the sales discount code to work out the cost
of items sold. The cost method in the sales discount code should only be used to work out a retail
price based on Markup on Cost. Fixed.
- Inventory/Stock Control: in stock item details, the 'Sales by Month' button displays the sales of
the selected item for each calendar month. But selecting a month and clicking 'List Sales for the
Month' would not include any items booked in/out from the AutoManager Service Counter module. Fixed.
- Inventory/Stock Control: in stock item details, the 'Reserved Stock' list would not list items from
a Sales Order. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: in a Sales order, if any controlled stock items that were linked to costs,
were booked out using the 'Items Delivered to Customers' option in the 'Charges to Customer' section,
if the items were on reserve, the reserve quantity (and list of reserved items) would not be updated.
- Sales Order Processing: in a Sales Order, any stock items in costs that were reserved, when one of the
'Copy Cost to Charges' options were used, the retail price in the stock reserved record would not be
set with the retail price. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: in a Sales Order, if any stock items in the charges section that were on reserve
and their retail price changed, that change would not be reflected in the stock reserved record. Fixed.
- Inventory/Stock Control: when any stock items were sold in the month of September, the sales analysis
for the item would show the sales as being in August. Fixed.
v4.265 12th September 2023
- When allocating a payment from a customer and using the main allocation option, when the button 'Post Allocation/s'
was clicked, nothing would happen. No transactions would be allocated. This issue was introduced in v4.264. Fixed.
v4.264 11th September 2023
- A member of staff can now be set up with a sales commission that is automatically calculated on sales
invoices (this does not include the Shop/Cafe Manager module). This commission is in addition to any
sales commission set up on individual stock items.
- When viewing an HTML document, a new option has been added to email the HTML document, with the document
as an attachment (rather than part of the email body, the option is still there to do that).
- Customer Statements: HTML layout has a new data field &TranHdrType3Char& that will display the transaction
type using only 3 characters. The old data field, &TranHdrType& (which is still there), uses 13 characters.
- Stock Item Details: there is now a button that can copy 'Our Price' into each of the five discount price
bands. This is only available if no Sales Discount code has been entered.
- Remittance Advices, print/PDF layout: a new data field has been added that will display the actual amount
of the discount. Also, the data field that displayed the invoice amount after the discount would be 0.00
if there was no discount. Fixed.
- Supplier Invoices: if it was set to update stock, and if more than 200 lines in a single invoice contained
stock items, it would only update the first 200 stock items. The rest would be ignored. Fixed.
- UK only: IF a VAT Return was submitted when in TEST mode, and the VAT Period End was then run, the VAT Return
would be recorded as if it was a real submission. Preventing the VAT Period End from being undone (rolled
back). Fixed.
- UK only: The enhancement in v4.262 for handling Postponed VAT may have introduced a bug, whereby Postponed
VAT would effectively get doubled up (this did not affect the amount of VAT due). Fixed.
v4.262 10th August 2023
- Sales Prospecting Estimates and Sales Orders: when a cost is added for a stock item, the preferred
supplier is automatically selected.
- Sales Prospecting Estimates and Sales Orders: when a cost is added for a stock item, if the button is
clicked to find a supplier, it will list all suppliers listed for that particular stock item (a full
list of suppliers is still available if required).
- Recurring sales invoices: the window can now be dragged wider t display the posting schedule.
- Email: it's now possible to add a 'signature' for each user, which will automatically be attached to any
emails sent out by that user (excluding email shots). The signature will appear above any footer HTML
in the email body.
- UK only, Postponed VAT scheme: any Postponed VAT is now shown in the purchase invoice itself (with the VAT
table in th 'Descriptions' section). It can also be edited.
- UK only, Postponed VAT scheme: an adjustment for Postponed VAT can now be added tot eh VAT Return as part
of the VAT period end option.
- UK only, there is now a separate option for Postponed VAT when setting up a VAT code. If you use Postponed
VAT, you will need to edit the VAT code used for this purpose to set it to Postponed VAT. Previously,
Postponed VAT was set up on a VAT code using the same option as UK Domestic Reverse charge (as they operate
the same way). But it's not practical to continue to operate this way, and so Postponed VAT has it's own
- If UK VAT Returns are submitted, and GBP is not the ledgers base currency. The software will now record the
exchange rate used at the time the VAT Return was submitted and the VAT period end processed.
- Payroll: payslips can now be emailed to each employee in one go, using the new button 'Email Payslips' in
the 'Pay Input' window. Each payslip is attached to the email as a PDF file.
- Payroll: there is now an option to email an individual payslip when in the Payslip Input/Details option.
Just click the 'Print Payslip' button, and 'Email PDF' is a new button that now appears as part of the selection.
- Payment Type codes: this has had an overhaul, and now handles credit card and PayPal payment methods better. The
help text is also clearer on how to set up credit cards and PayPal.
- Remittance Advices, HTML layout: a new data field has been added that will display the amount of the discount.
- Sales Prospecting Estimates and Sales Orders: when the Sales Tax/VAT find button was clicked in the costs
window, it would display Sales Analysis codes instead of tax codes. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting Estimates and Sales Orders: when an Order/Job was created from an estimate, it would not
copy over the user defined code or description fields. Fixed.
v4.261 7th July 2023
- Customer accounts now have a setting that will force the input of a Purchase Order reference for
all invoices associated with the selected account (this does not apply when the software is
running in Basic mode).
- Purchase Invoices when posted (and the window is being exited) can ask for the payment details.
This action is determined in the Settings option, tab Miscellaneous 2. The default setting is
to not ask for payment details.
- Stock/Inventory Control: When viewing the constituent items that make up a kit, the quantity of a
constituent item can now be edited.
- Payroll: It is now possible to roll the payroll back one period. The option to do this is accessed
from the 'Payroll Setup' button in the main Payroll option.
- When barcodes that can be printed in a document are scanned, the scan would pick up the check
digit at the end of the code.
- When a Sales Order was created from an Estimate (in A/c Receivable or Sales Ledger), it would generate
a message saying "Unable to open sales order file". The sales order file was actually already open, so
the order was created, but of course the message shouldn't appear. Fixed.
v4.260 4th June 2023
- Stock item details: the stock Movements tab may now display the customer name or account code. If there
is sufficient room in the list, which depends on which method of costing is being used and whether the
stock item quantity is controlled. This only applied to the larger version of the stock item details
window (which is automatically selected if there is sufficient space within the application window).
- Submission of UK HMRC VAT Returns from countries other than the UK where GBP is not the default ledger
currency: the amounts for the VAT return will be automatically calculated in GBP (Great Britain Pounds).
It requires GBP to be set up in the 'Currencies' option, and will use the exchange rate set up at the
time the 'Full Report' is run.
- AutoManager, Service Counter: invoices raised (or previewed) for a job will now be in the currency of the
customers account. All charges entered into the job should be in the ledger currency. If the customers
account is not in the ledger currency, the charges will be automatically adjusted as necessary to
accommodate the exchange rate.
- Most print/PDF documents can now have barcodes and QR codes added to the layout. As well as stock item
barcodes, they can also include things like customer/supplier account code, transaction code, Purchase
Order number, etc.
- QR codes can now be added to HTML document layouts.
- Sales Order Processing: quite a bit of work has been done to ensure the maintenance of the 'Sales Order'
quantity and 'Reserved' quantities in stock item details is more reliable. Also, if delivery quantities
are set to be updated from a Sales Invoice, any costs linked to charges will also have their delivery
quantities updated (previously, this only happened if stock was booked out directly from the Sales Order/Job.
- Graphs: if zero is moved up the vertical axis of the graph to accommodate negative values, it will now display
an additional line across the graph indicating where the zero line is.
- In the background Financial Summary, the current month was often missing from the right hand side of the
main graph. Fixed.
- When copying a transaction in the 'Account Statement' option in General/Nominal Ledger, if the transaction
contained Sales Tax/VAT, it may sometimes re-calculate the tax amount, and be 1p out, which it then adds
or subtracts from the total. Most of the time it was OK, it only happened sometimes to some values. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: when stock items were booked out by entering a delivery into the charges to customer
section, it would add a wrong selling price into the stock movement file. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: a Sales Invoice would update stock items even if the system was set to update stock
items via deliveries to customer (from within the Sales Order/Job). Fixed.
- Email addresses that had just one letter for the domain name were flagged as invalid. But, while it's rare,
there are some domains consisting of just one letter. Fixed.
- When editing company/organization details in a licensed copy of Adminsoft Accounts, the Sales Prospecting
and Sales Order Processing modules would be enabled, even if they had been disabled in a previous edit (or
when the company/organization was set up). Fixed.
v4.259 3rd May 2023
- Sales Order Processing: there are now numerous options for invoicing, and for adding costs to an invoice.
- Purchase Daybook report: there is now an option to print the transaction description instead of the supplier name.
- The graph displaying supplier purchases (invoices and credit notes), can now also display supplier payments.
- Full size graphs, that is graphs that take up most of the space in a regular sized window, can now be resized. If the
window is dragged larger, the graph will expand with it.
- Stock/Inventory Control: in the stock item details window, an an SKU was typed in that could not be found, a find
window automatically appears. If an item as not selected, but instead 'Cancel' was clicked, a stock item close to
the already selected item could have it's description changed. If the 'Save' button was clicked in the stock item
details window, other fields such as bin locations, retail prices, etc could also be changed. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: Sales Orders were not updating the 'Sales Order Processing' quantity in the stock item details.
- Payroll, UK only: when an employee is not a director, the 'Accumulate NI' and 'Date employee became a director' input
fields were still active, when they should have been greyed out. Fixed.
- Payroll, UK only: when an employee is appointed as a director, and a date of the appointment entered, it generates a
tax week which is reported in the FPS. This tax week should have been cleared at the end of the tax year, but it wasn't.
v4.258 16th April 2023
- The email shot option available to multiple sales invoices, customer statements, and employee P60s (UK only),
can now display the individual attachment to each email to be sent.
- Payroll, UK only: when a payroll was processed, the FPS button was active (as it should be). But if the user
exited the option without running the FPS and then went back in it again, the FPS button was no longer active.
v4.257 12th April 2023
- Purchase Order Processing: when receiving stock, it is now possible to insert/delete lines (providing editing
is enabled), the same as in the P/O create option. Various other minor upgrades have been carried out, including
the ability to right click on most input fields to reveal further data, and the item receive history has been
- Payroll, UK only: It's now a lot easier to email out P60s. When the option to email is selected, previously it
would display an email window for each employee, which was not practical if you had more than a handful of employees.
Now it uses an email shot facility, so you only need to enter any email text once, and click the Send button once.
- Stock item details now has a 'Record Count' button to record the date when the quantity in stock for that item was
counted. This is to make it easy to record the date when items are counted in between regular stock checks. If the
the quantity needs adjusting, use the 'Adjust Stock' button as usual, which can also record the count date.
- Payroll: if a payroll got to the end of the tax year, and wasn't processed again, and it's employee's were moved onto
another payroll, the figures for the last pay period would vanish (the data was still there, just not visible). Fixed.
- General/Nominal Ledger: bank/cash statement, in the wider version of the option (which is always automatically
displayed if Adminsoft Accounts has the screen space), the reconciled and un-reconciled buttons stopped working
(almost certainly due to modifications in v4.256). Fixed.
v4.256 5th April 2023
- Email Membership/Multiple Invoices: can now have it's own footer (email template) set up. They
now also include any default attachments that go out with PDF sales invoices. Also, the invoice PDF
file attached is now named "Invoice "+invoice number.PDF, instead of a random number.
- Most of the various import data file options can now import data directly out of spreadsheet files: xls, xlsx, and
ods, as well as the usual CSV, TAB and TXT files.
- AutoManager: in the customer account details, where vehicles/equipment is listed, the order of the list can now be
changed by clicking on one of the column headers. It can also sort in ascending or descending order.
- Stock/Inventory Control, Stock Take Adjustments: the date of the stock take will be recorded when an item is adjusted,
and can still be recorded if no adjustment required. Also, the date a stock item was last counted now appears in the
stock item details, and clicking on it allows yo to enter a new date.
- Customer statements: the option to generate statements is now far more powerful. A list of customers is
now visible, and from this list you can select only those you wish to send statements too. Also, there are now three
options for sending statements, one of which is via a bulk email facility, where each statement can be sent to the
customer as a PDF file, HTML file, or as HTML embedded within the body of the email. Similar to the Membership/Multiple
Invoices option. Note, the old option for producing statements is still there, and is available as an alternative
from within the new statements option.
- The 'Account Statement' option in General/Nominal Ledger has a 'Copy' button (if there is enough screen space
available to the application). This would copy any General/Nominal Ledger transaction. But if the transaction
was created by a transaction in another ledger or module, that original transaction would not be copied. This
was sometimes a cause of some confusion, and so now transactions generated from another ledger or module can not
be copied. The exceptions are payments and refunds for customers/suppliers.
- Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing: the two user defined fields can now be set for input to be mandatory,
if required. The options to do this are in the Settings option.
- Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing: the Adminsoft Accounts user security profile can be set up to allow
or not allow the editing of the sales representative code in prospect details, estimate details and order/job details.
This doe not affect the creation of a new record, only the editing of an existing one.
- Sales Prospecting, Imported Data Lists: a new list can now be created that contains records extracted from an existing
list. This makes it easy to setup sub-lists, that contain particular data.
- There is now an option in Setup -> System that will list any additional copies of Adminsoft Accounts that may be on the PC.
- Payroll, United Kingdom only: if/when the user edits the calculated employee and employer NI amounts due for the current
period, if the employee is a director, and the input field "Accumulate NI" is set to 'Y', then the NI amount can now be set
to a negative figure. Provided it does not make the NI paid to date a negative figure (under HMRC rules, that can never
be a negative figure).
- Email Membership/Multiple Invoices: the 'Add Customer' button would allow the user to add a customer account that was
already in the list of accounts to be invoiced. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control, Stock Take Adjustments: if the 'Load Data' button was clicked without entering a bin location range
or anything into the filters, the stock list would not display. Fixed.
v4.255 1st March 2023
- There is a new option for creating sales invoices called 'Membership/Multiple Invoices' which allows you to create
one invoice for a range of customers (user selectable), and print them or email them out in one go (as an email shot).
Could be ideal for things like club membership fees, or things like monthly/quarterly charges for service/maintenance
cover, etc.
- Sales Invoices: when entering an item that is not in the stock database, if can now be added by right clicking into
the 'Stock Code or Description of Item/Service' input line. In a similar way that stock items can be added to the
database from purchase invoices.
- Sales Invoices, 'Select Images to Print': images can now be dragged and dropped straight into that section, if
required. The other options for adding images are all still there.
- Autocomplete (where the software makes suggestions to help complete the input when text is typed in) has now been
extended to include the 'Description' of the invoice/credit note (not the lines, which already have the autocomplete
available, but the actual document description). If required, this needs to enabled via the Adminsoft Accounts user
maintenance option (Appearance -> Setup Input Field Autocomplete)
- Print/PDF layouts: the message that can appear on print/PDF documents for sales invoices/credit notes, is now also
available to advice notes, proforma invoices and estimates.
- AutoManager, Service Counter: a Job Card can now be printed regardless of whether any tasks have been entered.
- United Kingdom only, payroll: If the user select 'Next Period' in the 'Payroll' option, and click the date find
button to select the next pay period end date, the payroll would not be brought forward to the next date. Fixed.
If the date wasn't changed, or was manually edited, it would work fine.
- Supplier account details: the "Email Contact" button sometimes didn't work. Also, after selecting an item from any
of the lists in the account details, if another supplier account was then selected, many buttons associated with those
lists would remain enabled, even though no items/lines had been selected for that account. Fixed
- United Kingdom only, payroll: the accumulated NI feature enabled in the last version, v4.254, did not calculate
the NI correctly. It worked it out pro-rata as the tax year progressed (much like tax), when in fact it should
have applied the annual NI bands from the first day of the new tax year onwards. Fixed.
- When Adminsoft Accounts is running as Freeware, if the PC goes to sleep with the application still running, when if it's
not started again until the following day, it could take a long time before the background can be changed. Fixed.
- When outputting a list, if the 'Print' button was selected, it wouldn't actually print. Fixed.
- Recurring sales invoices didn't always calculate the payment date correctly (though tended to work properly if the
invoice tax date was edited). Fixed.
v4.254 8th February 2023
- Many lists, particularly those concerned with stock, no longer have any limit on the number of transactions
or items listed.
- When a transaction is selected in customer or supplier details, and a payment entered. If a Sales Tax/VAT Cash
Accounting scheme is in use, the allocation date will be the date of the payment (or refund or bounced payment).
This date is critical, as it dictates which Sales Tax/VAT period the transaction and tax is reported in. If not
using a Cash Accounting scheme, the allocation date will be 'to days' date.
- There is now an option to export items entered into sales invoices. The option is in the 'Reports' section
of the menu. it allows a wide selection of data fields to be output to a CSV file or into a spreadsheet.
- Stock Control/Inventory: has a new option in the Setup menu that allows wholesale changes to be made
to the stock codes/SKUs.
- Stock Control/Inventory: when a stock item is superseded, there is usually an option to merge the data of the
superseded item to the item it's being superseded to. This is now enabled by default (previous it was disabled
by default). The default can be changed in Settings.
- Stock Control/Inventory: stock item records now log certain changes to the stock item data. Some data
fields should very rarely be changed (for example, the SKU or the sales tax/VAT code), and so any changes
to these fields are now recorded.
- There are now three layouts available for customer receipts. These are selected in the A/c Receivable
(Sales Ledger) Setup menu ("Miscellaneous 1" tab).
- Sales Prospecting, an export data option has been added to imported data lists.
- Asset Register: When an asset is sold, depreciation will now be calculated up to the period or date
when the item was sold. Previously, it stopped calculating depreciation as soon as a sold date was
entered in to the asset record.
- United Kingdom only: When submitting a VAT Return, there is now a 'Verbose' option. When this is clicked,
the process displayed will show a lot more information. This can be useful if the VAT submission failed.
- United Kingdom only, payroll: Now allows NI to be calculated on an accumulative basis for directors.
- Sales Invoices and Delivery Notes (from Account Receivable/Sales Ledger) can now print the total number
if items in the invoice. The Sales Analysis code for the item must be for 'goods' in order to get counted.
- Sales Invoices can now print analysis figures for the total goods, total labour and total service amounts, based
on the Sales Analysis code of each items. The value's exclude any Sales Tax/VAT and any whole invoice discount.
These analysis figures are currently only available in the HTML document layout.
- In the options for posting multiple receipts and payments, when the transaction is posted, there is now a 'New'
button that allows immediate entry of the next transaction. Without having to re-select the option.
- Printing stock item barcodes: whatever was being printed would sometimes appear in the window used
to control printing/output of the barcodes, overwriting the input fields and buttons in the window.
- Asset Register: If there was only one account period for the whole financial year, and the depreciation
calculation was set to calculate by date (which it has to if there's only one account period), it would not
calculate depreciation in the first year the asset was purchased, though would catch up in the following year.
- United Kingdom only: when a VAT Period has been processed but a VAT Return not submitted to HMRC, it can still
be submitted from the 'Old Value Added Tax Period End Reports' option. But, this didn't always work. Fixed.
- When editing a sales invoice with the accounts system in 'Basic' mode, the invoice could end up as an 'unknown'
transaction. Making it very difficult then to do anything with it. Fixed.
- Payroll: when a payroll was brought forward to the next tax year, if it didn't start at period 1, the year to date
figures for each employee on the payroll did not get cleared down. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only, payroll: when a payroll was set to be 'Irregular', the first pay slip was fine, but subsequent
pay slips may not work out tax or NI correctly. Fixed.
- Printing sales invoices to HTML or PDF would sometimes not work. Either the wrong details would appear, or in
the case of a PDF, sometimes the file would not be created properly. This bug was probably introduced in v4.252.
v4.252 4th January 2023
- Inventory/Stock Control: new list option 'Stock by Supplier Part'. This will list all stock items in the
supplier/manufacturer part code order. Only items with a supplier/manufacturer part code will be listed.
- There is a new option in Inventory/Stock Control: Stock Take Adjustments. This will list stock items in
the same way as the Stock Take report. But in this option, you can select an item and set the quantity in
stock to whatever figure has been counted during the stock take.
- There is now an option in Stock Control/Inventory Settings, that will allow a barcode to be scanned in to most places
(but not all) where it's expecting a Stock Code/SKU.
- Barcodes can now be printed. The option is available in several lists that contain stock items, P/Os, stock
received/returned, purchase invoices, and individual stock items ('Edit Barcode' button). You will need to
setup the barcode label sizes and type of barcode you wish to use in the Stock Control/Inventory setup option.
- Reports, lists and documents (such as invoices, statements, etc) can now have a default location setup for
when they are output to a file, such as PDF, HTML, CSV or ASCII Text. Specific document types can have their
own default location, so invoices can be saved into one folder, statements in another, and so on.
- Advance payments: there is now an option in General Ledger (Nominal Ledger) Settings to allow a VAT/Sales Tax
amount to be entered into both customer and supplier (when using VAT Cash Accounting) payments transactions.
This means advance payments can be accounted for in the VAT/Sales Tax period end (if the payment remains unallocated,
ie. it still has a balance outstanding). The amount of VAT/Sales can can be automatically calculated based on the
default VAT/Sales Tax code provided in the customer or supplier account (if there is a code). The amount can be
edited at any time.
- Aseet Register: the purchase price of an asset now appears in the list, along with the depreciation method and
percentage (or years if sum of digits). The list is now width adjustable.
- When a customer or supplier transaction that is in dispute is edited, the original (now deleted) transaction is
still attached to the dispute, but the newly edited transaction is not. The edited transaction is no longer listed
as being in dispute. This has now been changed, so the edited transaction will list as being in dispute, and in
the dispute details, both the deleted (ie. the transaction before it was edited) and edited transaction will be listed.
- VAT/Sales Tax Cash Accounting Scheme: if a tax/VAT Period End is rolled back more than one tax/VAT period,
any transactions that were processed as part of a tax/VAT Period End more than once may get rolled back.
- When allocating a customer or supplier payment, if a transaction that was being allocated to was locked by
another window (or another user if on a network), the payment may not be allocated properly. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: when entering details of a delivery, the delivery note print button ignored the
output selected, and always displayed the delivery note on screen. Fixed.
v4.251 4th December 2022
- When entering a supplier invoice or credit note, if 'Allow stock selection' is selected, you can now
right click into the 'Description of item/service' input field to create a new stock item based on
any information on that line (assuming the item is not not already a stock item).
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger: in account details, there is a new button that will display a graph
of the account balance over time. This is particularly useful when analysing cash/bank accounts and
sales accounts.
- Email: the 3rd party software Chilkat has been updated to the latest version ( This is
due to the older version no longer working with some SMTP servers. Note: Chilkat is now the
preferred method of sending email, and when setting up to send email directly from Adminsoft Accounts,
please select Chilkat (it should be selected by default anyway).
- Account Receivable ledger (Sales Ledger), Import Transactions option: 'payment due date' added as a
new import data field.
- Delivery Notes from Account Receivable ledger (Sales Ledger) can now include stock item bin locations.
Either layout type, print/PDF or HTML can be used. Also, the stock item unit and solvent content can also
now be added to the HTML delivery note layout.
- United Kingdom only: if another tax type was set up along side VAT, the VAT system would not work
correctly. The ability to set up another tax type has now been removed for users in the UK.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'Locate Order by Order Number' option may locate a deleted order/job. It
can then display some basic details. Note: if/when you re-index the database, if the option 'Remove
deleted accounts and other records' is selected, it will remove any deleted orders/jobs.
- The 'Vehicle Mileage' option: you can now set a particular driver as the default driver, which means
their record will be automatically selected when the 'Vehicle Mileage' option is selected. Alternative
drivers can still be selected.
- Customer invoices and credit notes in HTML format did not handle images or their descriptions well.
- Customer credit notes when output to HTML would fail, displaying a message "No Unknown? HTML layout found?".
- Sales Prospecting, Imported Data Lists: if when importing a list the 'Do not include records with
duplicated email addresses' was selected, all the records it imported were blank. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: when a cost item in an order/job was deleted, if it was a stock a stock item and
some stock had been reserved, it did not automatically release the reserved stock. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: when cost items were stock items and a sales invoice was raised, and stock was
set to be updated from the invoice, the invoice did not always pick up the correct cost items. Fixed.
- Attachment of files to documents being emailed: the option in the Setup -> Miscellaneous option to
select files that would be automatically attached to certain documents allowed the user to add files,
but if/when the files were edited, the edit did
not work. So once added, the files could not be changed.
- United Kingdom only, Payroll: it was no longer possible to edit the tax and NI figures for an employee's
payslip. Fixed.
- The 'To' and 'From' dates for various lists that can be set for Account Receivable ledger (Sales Ledger),
Sales Prospecting lists, and Sales Order Processing lists, did not always work correctly. Fixed.
v4.249 2nd November 2022
- Sales Daybook Report: the user can now select a number of extra transaction data items to print.
- Sales Invoices: two extra settings have been added to assist when entering invoices, warn the user if the
item cost is zero, or below zero, and warn user if a cost could not be found using the selected cost
method (which means the cost may not be correct, this can happen when there is no stock). By default,
bth these settings are disabled, and so to use them you need to enable them in the Settings option.
- Sales Invoices: there is now a setting that will allow the invoice to be allocated to a payment straight
after posting. If the 'Print & Post' button in the invoice is selected, the allocation takes place before
the invoice is printed, allowing any 'PAID' type data fields in the invoice layout to be printed.
- General Stock Report: the last cost price (LAST) can now be selected in th list of possible output fields.
- New data field added into the Customer Statement HTML layout. This will display the extra description
in a transaction, or if it does not contain any text, it will use the transactions regular description.
- A new report has been added to Inventory/Stock Control. Stock Item Cost Analysis, which will list the
FIFO, LIFO, AVCO, LIST and LAST costs for each stock item.
- United Kingdom, Payroll: new NI rates, plus directors now have their own NI table due to different NI
rates and a couple of different thresholds.
- The toolbar now includes some options for Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing.
- Importing POS Data: the new input field for sales invoices, 'extra description' now added to the list
of available data fields for import.
- When looking at the details of a stock movement record, there is a new button 'Source of Cost' that
will display the cost method/s used to obtain the stock item cost. Note: this will only work for
any stock movements generated after installing v4.249.
- Shop/Cafe Manager: when making a sale quanties can now be entered to two decimal places. This needs to
be enabled in the Settings option.
- When a stock movement record is deleted or edited (as a result of editing a sales or purchase invoice),
a history is now maintained of the data prior to the delete/edit. An edit history can be viewed from
the stock movement details option, and from the 'Movement History' button in stock item details. From
that option, deleted stock movement records can be recovered.
- United Kingdom, VAT Cash Accounting Scheme now has an option to automatically report and process payments
made/received in advance in the VAT Period End. It will be enabled in new installations, but in existing
installations it will need to be enabled in the Nominal Ledger Settings option.
- Purchase Invoices: the small version of the invoice had a tabbing issue. In that when an invoice was
entered from new, the cursor would go into the 'Tax Dat' input field, but from there jump inot the
'Description' input field, instead of the next input field down which is 'Suppliers Ref'. Fixed.
- The autocomplete facility (that makes suggestions as users type into an input field) did not work for
about half of the possible input fields that can use it. Fixed. (this facility needs to be enabled,
the option is 'Setup Input Field Autocomplete' in the Adminsoft Accounts user details)
- In the Money Paid Out option, if 'Add Account to List' was selected, when an account in the the list was
clicked, a 'Y' did not appear next to it. Which has lead to some confusion. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: Payroll, submitting an NI Verification would fail if the Corporation Tax Reference
in RTI settings actually contained a tax reference. It would also always fail in TEST mode. Fixed.
- AutoManager, PartsCounter: if the mouse cursor ran over the column headers above the list of stock items,
some options on the page may select the wrong stock item. Fixed.
- Customer transaction: Refund, when edited, if the amount of the refund was changed, it saved the original
amount and not the new value. Fixed.
- Sales Proforma Invoices, Advice Notes, and Estimates (created from customer account) when being created, the
'Print Only' button would not output to all available options (including Excel and NotePad). Fixed.
- When entering a Sales Invoice, if the system is set to not allow a stock item to be sold if there is
insufficient quantity in stock, if such an item was entered, the cursor could get stuck in the Sales
Analysis and Sales Tax/VAT code input fields - forcing the user to enter a value in order to get back
to the find button or description of item input field. Fixed.
- The 'Map' button to display the location of a prospect, customer or supplier stopped working for the USA and
some other countries. This has now been fixed, sort of. United States, Canada and United Kingdom all use
Google Maps (if there's a postcode/ZIP code, else OpenStreetMap wil be used), all other countries use OpenStreeMap.
I'm afraid not all countries are covered.
- Sales Order Processing: the Orders by Employee Analysis option, when the list was printed, the monthly column
totals would all be the same as the first column. Fixed.
v4.247 13th September 2022
- Sales Invoices, Proformas, Advice Notes, and Estimates (from the customer account): when entering text into
the 'Stock Code or Description' input column, the software can now display a list of stock items, based on
what has been typed in. An item can be selected, saving time having to enter the whole stock code. To use this
facility, it needs to be enabled: Setup -> A/c Receivable (or Sales Ledger) -> Settings -> Miscellaneous2
- Sales Invoices, Proformas and Estimates (from the customer account) can now have images selected for printing
(in both print/PDF and HTML type documents, the image fields must be in the layout). The images can come from
stock items selected in the invoice, or from images that have been scanned in, or otherwise acquired.
- Stock Control/Inventory: The Price List report can now filter stock items by price.
- The 'Money Received' and 'Money Paid Out' options (for single accounts), now have a 'Post' button. This allows
a transaction to be posted, and the window cleared ready for another one.
- Sales Prospecting: stock item images can now be selected for printing in estimates (both single and multi product).
- An option has been added into the 'Common / Year End Transactions' option in the General Ledger
(Nominal Ledger) to enter the figures generated by a 3rd party payroll. Unless you're a bookkeeping
expert, entering the payroll figures can be difficult, this new option makes it a lot easier.
- A Sales Order Processing order/job number can now be added to a new Sales Invoice or Credit Note when
not being raised from the order/job itself. It can also be added or edited when a sales Invoice or Credit
Note is being edited.
- YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat and Reddit have been added to the Alternative Communication list.
- AutoManager, Parts Counter: the space for bin locations was only displaying up to about seven and a half
characters. This has been increased to show the full ten characters.
- The 'Description' input field in the payment and receipt options in General Ledger (Nominal Ledger), now
uses autocomplete. This is a facility that displays previously entered text as the user types, allowing
her/him to select some previously entered text (by double clicking on it in the list).
- United Kingdom only: If a VAT period end is processed without submitting a VAT Return, it is now possible to
submit the VAT Return from the option 'Old Value Added Tax Period End Reports' located in the 'Reports'
section of the Nominal Ledger drop down menu.
- When entering purchase transactions using the 'Invoice Receipt' option in the supplier account, if a payment
was included, it would be allocated using the date the transaction was entered. It now defaults to using the
tax date of the transaction (important to those using a Sales Tax/VAT Cash Accounting scheme). There is the
option to use 'to days' date instead, if required.
- It is now possible to create recurring reminders, for both general reminders and account specific.
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger: when creating a new account, if 8 characters were entered for the
new account code, or you entered less characters and tabbed or pressed the Enter key to move into
the next field, when moving the mouse cursor to select the account type, a
small window would appear
asking you to enter the account type. Fixed.
- Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet): if some department codes started with a number (which
should be perfectly fine), the input field for the department on the left hand side of the window would
not always work properly. Sometimes selecting a random department. Fixed.
- Editing print/PDF document layouts: when loading an Estimate for Sales Prospecting, any image fields
could be lost, in that they would stop working unless data objects were replaced. Fixed.
- Editing print/PDF document layouts: some data objects when dragged onto the layout would appear off
to the left hand side of where the mouse cursor stopped, or may not appear at all as they were outside
the boundary of the layout. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: only one user could view a sales Order/Job at any one time. If a second user
attempted to access the same Order/Job, it would say it was locked and exit the window. Fixed.
v4.246 3rd August 2022
- Viewing HTML documents now offers some more options, including controlling the print settings. This will
allow you to remove the header and footer information that currently gets printed on each page. It also
allows you to view in your default web browser and to print from your default web browser.
- When a customer account status is set to 'Stopped', this should prevent some transactions such an invoices
from being raised (subject to settings), but in practice it could be circumvented. Security has
now been tightened up to prevent this.
- The Debtors Control option and Aged Debtors Summary report both now have an option to produce an aged
analysis based on the payment due date.
- Most lists off the main menu in Sales Prospecting, Sales Order Processing, Account Receivable (Sales
Ledger), Account Payable (Purchase Ledger), and Stock Control/Inventory can now have default 'From'
and 'To' dates set up in their respective Settings options.
- In the employee details, the input field 'sex' now includes 'none binary' in some countries (Argentina,
Australia, India, South Africa). If you require none binary as an option, but it is not available, you
can make it available by changing a setting in the country/region details. To do this, select 'Setup'
on the top menu bar, go down to 'System', and select the option 'Setup country/region data'.
- General Ledger (Nominal Ledger) now has a General Import option. This can import journals via a CVS file
using file/field definitions that can be saved.
- Most windows that list data, allow you to run a report, or just have perhaps one active input field, can
now be closed by pressing the Escape key on your keyboard.
- In the HTML layout for customer statements, there is a new data field &CustomerNotOdue& that will display
the total value of transactions that are current, but not overdue.
- Sales Invoices (when system is in 'Level 2', the default) can now have an extra description entered (just
below 'Notes' in the 'Details' section). This can appear in documents, but HTML only at this time.
- When using the option in the 'Reports' menu to output customer statements. If the statements were output to
'HTML (View)', each window that appeared for each customer would only show the first statement. Fixed.
- When importing POS data into Accounts Receivable (Sales Ledger), if the user specified a string field
delimiter, the last record in the import file would be ignored. This was a known issue, as explained in
the Help text for that option. The issue is now fixed
- When the font size within Adminsoft Accounts was increased above the standard size, some windows that
would automatically resize when a button or arrow is clicked, did not resize properly. Fixed. Also,
the resizing of windows has been improved generally.
v4.245 15th July 2022
- The 'Cash / Bank Accounts' option that lists each cash/bank account along with the balances, now also
lists the last date a transaction was posted to the account, and the balance of any remittance advices
due to be paid from each account.
- Purchase Order Processing: When creating a new P/O, if 'Print Preview' is selected, when the P/O is
printed, it will use the P/O reference number (if the option to generate a new P/O number when selecting
the create P/O option has been enabled). This allows a user to continually refine the items on a P/O,
perhaps sending their supplier copies of the P/O, until it has the required items on it. Then it can be
placed 'On Order'.
- Creditors Control option (including the option to print the Creditors Control), now has an option to
only display balances that are less than a given number of days old (stipulated by the user).
- Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing can now handle overall discounts on estimates and orders/jobs.
- Sales Order Processing now handles the reserving of stock items. This can be set to automatic, where
every stock item (for which the quantity is controlled) has some stock reserved, or manual, where the
user has to select certain items they wish to reserve.
- Import Customers, Suppliers & Transactions: if sales transactions are imported without any reference,
then 'Imported' is written into the reference field. If purchase transactions are imported without
any reference, then 'Import' plus the record number is written into the reference field.
- Import Customers, Suppliers & Transactions: if an import file was selected and the filename was in
lowercase, the software may display a message saying the file was the wrong type. Fixed.
- Import Customers, Suppliers & Transactions: importing CSV files in the 'Sales Transactions' or
'Purchase Transactions' sections, would not allow character fields to be delimited with quote marks.
- Import Customers, Suppliers & Transactions: when importing transactions, if the user was required to
select a Payment Type Code, the import would fail. Fixed.
- Stock item details: in the 'Purchases' section, if the option 'List in Cost Each order' was selected,
it was no longer possible to use the 'Supplier Details' or 'Original Transaction' buttons. Fixed.
v4.242 7th June 2022
- Payroll: When setting up a new payroll, it was possible to create the first pay period with no period
end date. This could cause problems later on, especially a the tax ear end. Fixed. Although the fix
is not retrospective, any payroll with no period end date needs a period end date entering.
- Sales Order Processing: whether the 'Book Out of Stock' and 'Items Delivered to Customer' or a sales
invoice book items out of stock is now selectable in settings only. This is to avoid booking stock out
- Sales Order Processing: options 'Book Out of Stock' and 'Items Delivered to Customer' - will now book
out items in both the charges and costs section. Provided the items are linked. Charges and cost items
can be linked manually in the charges or cost items details, they are also linked automatically when
one of the 'Copy cost ..' options is used. Any links created in an estimate get carried over to an order/job.
- Sales Order Processing: the print/PDF Sales Order Confirmation layout now has a data field for printing
the customers Purchase Order reference.
- General/Nominal Ledger: in the "Enter Transaction / Journals" option it was possible to enter a debit or
credit amount into a line in which the account code was invalid, and would then allow the transaction to
be posted. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: Sales Invoice doesn't show the SKU, only the stock item description. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: options 'Book Out of Stock' and 'Items Delivered to Customer' - the output option
shown for the Delivery Note is 'View (PDF)', but it would sometimes use 'View (Text)' instead. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: options 'Book Out of Stock' and 'Items Delivered to Customer' - the mouse wheel
scrolling didn't work, also input fields in the 'Delivered' or 'Received' columns were active on lines
where there were no items. Fixed.
- In the "Database - Fix" option, the option to fix stock/inventory would sometimes get into a loop and
not complete the operation. The only way to get out was to end the application using Windows Task
Manager. Fixed.
- In the "Database - Fix" option, the "Fix P/O related Stock Data" button didn't do anything. Fixed.
v4.241 18th May 2022
- Cash/bank statement report: there is now an option to print a wide and extra wide version. The software
will ask the question when the report button is clicked.
- United Kingdom only - Payroll: When sending an EPS with a figure for CIS deductions suffered. The EPS
would be rejected. Fixed. A valid Corporation Tax number must be provided in the payroll RTI settings.
- United Kingdom only - VAT Period End: the option 'VAT due on tax date' available in VAT code details when
using the VAT Cash Accounting scheme, did not work properly if a payment was allocated to the Invoice or
Credit Note. Fixed.
v4.240 4th May 2022
- The 'Print List' button in many lists now has the option to output the list into Microsoft Excel
or OpenOffice Calc.
- Customer statements: some new data fields and commands have been added to the HTML layouts which
allow for the production of more sophisticated statements.
- Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing: the next estimate and sales order/job numbers can
now be edited.
- Sales Order Processing: invoices (and credit notes) can be allocated to an order/job via the 'Orders/Jobs
Not Invoiced' option in the 'Lists' section of the Sales Order Processing drop down menu.
- Purchase Invoices: When adding items to an invoice form a P/O, you can now opt to use either the quantity
received or the quantity on order.
- The Trading Report now has extra options for printing a wide version (to handle larger numbers) and for
printing decimal places.
- Purchase Invoices: When adding items to an invoice from a P/O, if an item was edited, the software could
forget it came from a P/O (even though the P/O reference would still be displayed on the right hand side)
and update the stock if the 'Allow stock update' setting was ticked (items from a P/O should never update
stock from an invoice). Fixed.
- When using any of the 'Money Received' or 'Money Paid Out' options, if the 'List accounts in description
order' setting was changed part way through entering the transaction, amounts could get posted to the
wrong bank account. Fixed.
- When undoing a Sales TAX/VAT period end, the purchase transactions were not fully undone. This meant when
the Sales Tax/VAT period end was run again, the purchase transactions would double up. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting: estimates for multiple products/quantities would not take the costs from
stock control when estimating stock items. Fixed.
- Sales Prospecting: estimates for multiple products/quantities, when the find button was clicked
for the Sales Analysis codes, it listed Purchase Analysis codes. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: the PDF/print version of the Order Confirmation would not print the customer
account details. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: the 'order not invoiced' list did not add up the list of invoice values correctly,
it only showed the value of the last invoice. Fixed.
- Sales Order Processing: when booking items out, the delivery note would not pickup the correct address if
there was no prospect associated with the order/job. Fixed.
v4.239 7th April 2022
- New modules: Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing are now available. They will be
automatically enabled when you update the software. If required, they can be disabled in the
company/organization details window (from the Adminsoft Accounts start up window). There are
free user guides available to download from the web site. Sorry, but those using the software
for free will not be able to access these new modules.
- There is a new option 'Common / Year End Transactions' that makes it much easier to post into
a retained profit account, and handle things like dividends and payment of Corporation Tax.
- The Daybook reports for both sales and purchases, and the Audit Trail report in the General
(Nominal) Ledger now have an option to print only transactions that do not have a department code.
- The Sales Commission report now only prints figures for staff where they have actually sold
something during the specified period. Previously, it listed all staff members, whether they
had sold anything or not.
- In the option to transfer funds from one bank/cash account to another, you can now stipulate a
- Stock/Inventory Control, when entering a supplier record for a stock item, it would allow a regular
SKU to be entered as the suppliers part code even if that SKU was for another stock item. It now
checks to make sure the suppliers part code is unique, or at least the same as the SKU the supplier
record is associated with.
- United Kingdom only: Payroll would not print P60s. The list of payrolls to select just contained
the characters ".f.". So a payroll couldn't be selected. Fixed.
- A message "Unable to open ... " would appear when entering a single receipt or payment directly
into the Nominal/General when it was set to mark the new transaction as already reconciled. Fixed.
- Batched payments for both customers and suppliers, if a batch was saved, when it was brought back
to continue working on it, the 'Post Batch' button was greyed out. At least until another payment
was added. Fixed.
- The option to report the transactions and figures for old Sales Tax/VAT period ends stopped working.
- Trial Balance by Period list, the 'List Transactions' button did not work. Often not listing any
transactions. Fixed.
v4.238 4th March 2022
- Customer accounts can now have their own default document layouts set up, which will override the
default layouts set up for the company/organization. The option is at the bottom of the list of
current transactions in the customer account details, on the far right.
- Cash/Bank Statement, a new button 'Copy' has been added. This allows you to replicate any
transaction being displayed. You can edit the details prior to posting. Should be very
useful for posting repetitive things like bank charges, bank interest, etc.
- When sending email, there is now an option to setup and select frequently used email addresses.
When sending an individual email, RIGHT click on the button to the right hand side of the email
address input fields. When sending bulk email, there is a separate button.
- When entering a purchase invoice, if a P/O is selected using the 'Invoice P/O' button, as well
as all the P/O items received, some details from the P/O such as delivery date, department, etc.
will now be also copied over to the invoice.
- Shop/Cafe Manager and AutoManager: where items on a receipt use different Sales Tax/VAT codes,
the Sales Tax/VAT rate will be identified for each item.
- There is now an archive facility in the user maintenance option, similar to that for customer and
supplier accounts. This allows you to set aside users that will no longer have access to the
system, without actually deleting them (so their details will still available when referenced by
account records or transactions).
- Email Engine: there is now a button in the 'Monitor/Control Email Shot Engine' option (Setup ->
Miscellaneous) to clear out old email jobs.
- Creating Purchase Orders: you can now set up a default output option for the 'Print Order' button
in the Purchase Order Processing settings menu.
- HTML document layouts: there is now a field for adding the current year (&TheYearNow&), and also a
facility to add up to five user defined strings to a layout (&UserDefString1& to &UserDefString5&).
The strings can contain anything, including HTML and even JavaScript. They're useful if you need
to add something into a number of HTML documents that may change occasionally. Saves you having to
edit every document each time there's a change.
- When entering sales invoices, you will now find two little buttons at the top of the 'Stock Code or
Description of Item/Service' column that allow you to increase or decrease the font size in that column
(only available in advanced mode). Useful when entering a long description on one line. Note: this does
not affect the font size in the invoice is output (that depends entirely on the print/PDF or HTML layout).
- UK only: the payroll is now ready for tax year 2022/23. Note: at this time, Adminsoft Accounts will not
be supporting the new NI letters F, I, S and L, which are for use within a Freeport. It also does not
support the new NI letter V.
- Customer account details, in the wider version of the window, when the 'Save' button was clicked,
the output selection part of the 'Statement' button was greyed out. Fixed.
- The 'List Ledger Events' option in the 'General' menu stopped displaying events. Fixed.
- Purchase Order Processing: the 'Use last cost if lower then list' option in settings had stopped
working. Fixed.
- Supplier Credit Notes: When clicking into the 'Amount' column to get the software to work out the
unit cost (for the 'Each' column), it would generate a negative unit cost. Fixed.
- Purchase Orders: in the 'Purchase Order Received' option, if the 'Date received' input field was
edited, or even if you just cursored through it, a blue 'Label28' would appear at the side of it.
- Some times when the 'Help' button is clicked, the Help window could popup behind the window it was
called from. In some cases this caused the application to freeze. Usually it happened when the
'Help' button was clicked from one of the 'find' options. Fixed.
- UK Only: when outputting the VAT Period End report to a spreadsheet, the total VAT figure for the
column headed 'other' (usually for adjustments, early settlement, etc) was put into the VAT total
for Credit Notes column (this had no effect on the figures in the VAT return). Fixed.
v4.237 4th January 2022
- When the Cash Accounting Scheme is used for working out the amount of sales tax/VAT due, you can
now set up a tax/VAT code and set an option 'VAT due on tax date'. When this is set, any items
sold or purchased using the tax/VAT code will be reported in your tax/VAT period end. The tax/VAT
will be considered as due on the tax date of the transaction, and not when it's paid.
- HTML document layouts, you can now control the format of numeric fields by entering extra statements
within the HTML code. Of particular use is the ability to control the number of decimal places
and whether or not a number appears if it's value is zero. See Help in the HTML editor for
- Print/PDF document layouts, you can now put an image into the background, so any objects occupying
the same space in the layout will appear in front of it. There is also a new 'rectangle' object
that can be used to put a border around sections of a layout, or to use as background shading (it can
be put into the background the same as images now can). The addition of these two extra facilities
makes a big difference to the design possibilities for a layout.
- Print/PDF document layouts, now use the Arial font as standard instead of Courier. All standard layouts
that come with the software have been converted to Arial, and have a few extra modifications to improve
the overall look of them. Any layouts you have not edited will be automatically updated.
- Print/PDF document layouts, there is now a button 'Change All Fonts in the Layout' that allows you to
change all the fonts in one go. Much quicker than editing each object individually.
- Cafe/Shop Manager module, the tab reference on a receipt is now selectable (in settings) as 'Table'
or 'Counter'. Also, if there is no tab reference, the receipt now prints 'Counter served by'.
- In the print/PDF document layouts, the data field 'Our Rep___' displayed a number instead of the
name of the sales representative associated with the customer account. Fixed.
- Remittance Advices: if the button 'Add Items Due for Payment to Remittance' was clicked, and then
the button 'Add ALL Items to Remittance' was clicked, sometimes an invoice not due for payment
when then added to the list of invoices for payment would be overwritten by an invoice already in
the list of invoices to be paid. Fixed.
- When viewing sales invoice details, the 'Payment' button would be enabled even if the invoice
was not outstanding. Fixed.
- When viewing a customer Credit Note, the button to print a Delivery Note was still active, even
though clicking it did nothing. This only applies when the software was running in 'Level 2'. Fixed.
It's now disabled when viewing a Credit Note.
- United Kingdom payroll: if no employees were due a salary payment in the pay period, the payroll could
not be processed in order to allow it to be brought forward to the next pay period. Fixed.
v4.236 13th November 2021
- The list of Estimates in A/c Receivable (Sales Ledger) can now be filtered on whether an invoice
or proforma invoice has been created from the estimate. There is a pre-existing filter for cancelled
estimates, both that and new filter are 'sticky'. In that what ever you set them to, that setting will
remain until it's changed.
- AutoManager, Service Counter, jobs had stopped operating in v4.235. When job details appeared, all input
fields were 'read only'. Fixed.
v4.235 9th November 2021
- When entering Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes, and 'Allow stock selection' is enabled, if
the user enters something into the 'Description of item/service' that is not a valid stock
code/SKU, a warning will briefly appear to let them know.
- When entering Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes, and 'Allow stock selection' and 'Allow stock update'
are enabled, it a stock item doesn't have a Purchase Analysis code, the Purchase Analysis code
entered into the Invoices/Credit Note will be used to update the stock item. This option is turned
off by default. So, if required in needs to be enabled in settings.
- The supplier record for a stock item will now allow the same supplier to be listed more
than once for a particular item, provided the suppliers part code is different. This is
to allow for those suppliers that issue a different part code for items on special offer.
Also, notes have now been added to this window.
- Purchase Orders, purchase invoices, and the stock returned and stock received options: as well as
entering the SKU as normal, you can now enter the suppliers part code instead, and it will select
the item based on that. This is useful where there may be two or more supplier records of some
stock items (perhaps one uses particular stock code for a special price).
- There is now an option in the installation program, available when updating the software,
to delete old backups created by the update. This same option is also available within
Adminsoft Accounts itself, in the 'System' menu from the drop down 'Setup' menu.
- It is now possible to select any customer or supplier transaction to put into dispute, not
just invoices (although once an invoice was selected, transactions of any type could be added
to a dispute).
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger, Locate Journal by Ref. option, when you have selected a journal
to view, you can now click the 'View Different Transaction' button to select another. Previously
you had to exit the Locate Journal by Ref. option and go back in it to select another transaction.
- The 'Price List' report in Inventory/Stock Control can list items for a selected supplier.
- Sales Invoices and Credit Notes: if they were set to not allow back dating, the setting would
sometimes prevent the transactions from being edited. Fixed.
- If the displayed text was set to be lager than standard, if the General Reminders option was used
to generate a reminder, that reminder window would change size when ever any other option was
started up, such as account details, stock item details, etc. Fixed.
v4.234 20th September 2021
- The 'Stock List' option in the Inventory/Stock Control menu is now far more sophisticated, and
allows stock items to be listed using range and filter selections similar to the General Stock
- Supplier account details now show a total amount for any transactions in dispute (only available
when operating in Level 2).
- When a customer or supplier account is on stop, a warning will appear in certain places where
the user needs to know the status of the account. If a customer account is on stop, it is not
possible to raise a new job in AutoManager for that customer. If a supplier account is on stop,
it is not possible to raise a Purchase Order for that supplier.
- Sales Invoices/Credit Notes, when existing transactions were viewed, various buttons were incorrectly
enabled or disabled depending on the setting as to whether invoices with a zero balance are allowed to
be posted or not. Fixed.
- Stock Control/Inventory, when adding a new supplier record to the list of suppliers for a stock item,
it would often not allow some suppliers to be added, incorrectly saying they were already listed. Fixed.
- Backing up: if the data for a company/organization is held in an alternative location, the
options for backing up images were not available (they were greyed out). Fixed.
v4.233 13th September 2021
- Stock Control/Inventory, there is now a new report in the 'Miscellaneous Reports' option to
list stock adjustments in the order of their reason for adjustment.
- The 'Last Purchase' report in Inventory / Stock Control, now has an extra option to only print
the last two purchase prices if they are different.
- Both Purchase Order and Delivery Note (from A/c Receivable / Sales Ledger) layouts now have
the CN code data field available.
- The contents of an email shot are now recorded, and can be viewed at any time using the new option
'Previous Email Shots'.
- When entering a sales invoice, credit note, advice note, or estimate, if it's not in the ledger currency
you can now edit the exchange rate. If the transaction is later edited, the exchange rate can also be
- The Audit Trail report now has an extra report width of 162 columns. This will print the transaction
reference using a full 40 characters. It also can also print larger debit/credit values to
999,999,999,999,99 The 90 and 134 column reports limited the number size to 999,999,999.99
- AutoManager: Service Counter, the miles/km input field in a job for servicing a vehicle or piece of
equipment has been increased from a maximum 8 digits to 10 digits.
- AutoManager: Service Counter, you can now edit the description of some of the vehicle/equipment data
items. Such as the 'Make', 'Model', etc. The new option is called 'Data Field Descriptions' and is in
the AutoManager setup menu.
- Shop/Cafe Manager: the payments window can now accept up to three currencies. This feature must be
enabled in the settings option.
- When using the software in a multi-user environment, if a user tries to login and there are too
many users on the system, they have the opportunity to log another user. But the option didn't
work. Fixed.
- Stock Control / Inventory, in stock item details, if an associated item was edited, the SKU
input field was limited to just 8 characters (it should be 20). Fixed.
- General Stock Report, if a filter was used along side a list (selected in the 'Select Any Lists to
Print for Each Item' section, lists could appear often with no stock item details above. Fixed.
- Sales Invoices/Credit Notes: when edited, if the currency was changed but nothing was changed in the
body of invoice/credit note (quantity, description, etc.), the Sales Tax/VAT analysis goods figure
would be wrong. Fixed.
- Data Integrity Check: mis-reported the 'date of last sale' on stock booked out to a job in the
AutoManager module. It would report an issue when in fact there was none. Fixed.
- If the accounts system's base currency was changed, it could create issues with new transactions
if the exchange rate of the new currency was not set to 1 prior to being set to the new base
currency. Fixed.
- UK only: the PAYE Calculator option was not allowing the current tax year to be selected. Fixed.
(note: this may not be fixed in any downloads prior to 18:30 BST 11th Sept.'21)
- Stock Control/Inventory, when a stock adjustment was entered, if it was a negative amount, it did
not update the 'remaining' figure in stock movements used when running stock under FIFO or LIFO.
- The Backup data and Restore Data options stopped working in v4.232 if the data was not
held in the default location. Fixed.
v4.231 3rd August 2021
- In the email shot options, it is now possible to send the emails out from a separate program
that runs in the background. This frees up Adminsoft Accounts, allowing you to continue working
while the background program (Email Engine) is steadily sending out your emails. Sorry, but this
new option is not available when the software is running as Freeware.
- There is now an Opted Out list for emails. Any emails entered into this list will not get emailed
in one of the email shot options. This allows email addresses in customer/supplier accounts to
be opted out. As the email input fields in the account details form can contain more than one
email address, there is no 'Allow email shot' option (as there is in the contact details). From the
top menu bar, the option is in Setup -> Miscellaneous -> Setup Email Opted Out List
- In Inventory / Stock Control, there is a new report called 'Last Purchase'. This will list the last
purchase of each item, along with the previous purchase, to allow you to compare prices/suppliers.
- When creating a Sales Invoice from Advice Notes, there is an option in setup to change the default
text "Advice Note reference" that gets added into the Invoice body. It can also be setup to not
add any extra lines between Advice Notes at all, so the items on each Advice Note would appear in
the invoice in one continuous list.
- In the option listing stock items supplied by a particular supplier, if defaults to listing in
SKU order. But it can now also list in description or suppliers part code order. There is also
now another option next to this one, that will display the items in Purchase Analysis order.
- When entering purchase invoices, if the option 'Allow stock selection' is selected, the last cost
(from that supplier) will be automatically entered into the 'Each' column. However, this facility
is not operational by default, it must be switched on in the ledgers 'Settings' option.
- In the Payment Forecast option in the Debtors Control window, you can now click on the likely
payment figures to see a list of the transactions the software used to calculate the likely payment
for that week.
- When entering batched transactions into A/c Receivable or A/c Payable Ledgers (Sales or Purchase
Ledgers), there is now an option (in the respective Setup's) to get the software to confirm the
user wishes to post the batch when the 'Post Batch' button is clicked. The default is to just
post the batch right away, as soon as the 'Post Batch' button is clicked.
- Purchase Order print/PDF layout has two extra data fields added: one to print the SKU only, and
another to print the stock item description only.
- Stock Control/Inventory, in the stock item supplier details record, it was possible to manually
change the supplier account and create a duplicate supplier record for the item. The software
now prevents this from happening.
- Stock Control/Inventory, in the stock item supplier details record now records the last cost from
purchase Invoices as well as Purchase Orders.
- The maximum size of a report can now be specified in Setup -> Miscellaneous -> General settings
The minimum is 1,000 pages, and the maximum is 100,000 pages. The default size is set to 10,000
pages (when it could not be edited it was fixed at 50,000 pages). The reason for allowing the
maximum report size to be changed is due to one user who reported memory issues. If your
report doesn't work or worse, crashes the application, try reducing the maximum report size.
Note, this applies regardless of what the report is being output to, and can cause memory issues
even if the actual report produced is very small. Memory is allocated at the start of the report,
based on the maximum specified size.
- When entering a Purchase Invoice which will update stock, it will update the 'Date of last purchase'
in the stock item details with the invoice date, even if the invoice date pre-dates the current
'Date of last purchase'. Fixed.
- AutoManager module, when a stock item was booked out from the Service Counter, the 'Date of Last Sale'
in the stock item details was not updated with the date the item was booked out. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control, the 'Date of Last Price Update' was not being updated. Fixed.
- Stock/Inventory Control, the 'Sales Analysis' and 'Sales Analysis by Periods' reports did not include
stock items booked out in the Service Counter option in AutoManager. Fixed.
- In the 'Upload Document Layouts to Web Site' option (Setup -> System), the 'Remove' button failed
to remove a document that had been uploaded to the web site. Fixed.
- The Statement of Income report (what used to be Profit & Loss), when just part of the financial year
was selected and the account periods were to show in separate columns, when output to a spreadsheet
the column titles for each period did not line up. Fixed.
v4.230 24th June 2021
- When entering Purchase Invoices, the green help text along the bottom is now a little more
relevant to the input field the cursor is in. It also displays the cost on the last P/O when
in the 'Description of item/service' or 'Each' input fields.
- When entering a Sales Invoice, Estimate, Proforma or Advice Note, if the 'Ins' button was used
to open up a blank line between existing lines, the last line in the invoice would not get
included in the sub-total (although it would when posted/saved). Fixed.
v4.229 7th June 2021
- United Kingdom only: the 'List Trans' button in the CIS Return option now displays the same columns
as the CIS Return, making it easier to see where the CIS figures have come from. It can also now be
dragged wider to display a lot more detail about each transaction.
- When entering a purchase invoice, you can now right click into the 'Description of item/service'
input field if it's a stock item, and the stock item details window will appear.
- The 'Statenent of Financial Position' report would output the report into whatever format or
application was selected. If the selection was changed, the report run, then 'Run Report' button
was clicked again, it would output to whatever format or application was selected before. Fixed.
- Recurring Transactions, if setup for a date in the past, when you exit the 'Recurring Transactions'
option it will ask if you want it to make the postings to bring it up to date. If you answer 'Yes',
then go back and check the details of the recurring transaction, when you exit, it will again ask if
you want it to make the postings to bring it up to date. If you answer 'Yes', it will duplicate the
transactions already posted. Fixed.
- Sales invoices, when a stock item on the last line of the invoice contained extra description lines
and/or a surcharge, they would appear in the invoice, but would not get saved. Fixed.
v4.228 21st May 2021
- Stock item details, the list of suppliers will now include the name of the item manufacturer
(in curly brackets after the supplier name), if one exists.
- Stock Control/Inventory, when using the 'Stock Item Search' option, you can now filter by
supplier account. This can make searching a lot faster, but relies on a supplier item cost
record existing in the stock item details.
- Supplier invoices, where a supplier supplies items in multiple units (boxes of 5, or 10, etc), you
can now enter the total number of units and the total price (enter into the 'Each' column), then
you can single right click on the 'Amount' column, and the unit price will be calculated and
automatically entered into the 'Each' column. Saves time having to use a calculator.
- When entering batched sales or purchase transactions, the batch cannot now be saved or posted if
there is a transction still be worked on, or it's sitting ready for a new transaction. This is
to prevent a batch from being accidentally posted when it's not complete.
- Email shots, any email address entered into the CC or BCC input fields should only get sent
one email, right at the start of the send process. But emails were being sent to CC and BCC
recipients for every email that was going out. Fixed.
- When a sales invoice was generated from the AutoManager module, the stock code SKU would appear
to be doubled up when looking at the costs in the invoice details (two SKU's would appear on the
same line side by side). Fixed.
- United Kingdom: when submitting an MTD VAT return, HMRC returned an error 400 'Invalid JSON'.
v4.226 11th May 2021
- United Kingdom only, MTD VAT submissions stopped working. Produced an 'Invalid JSON'
error message. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only, The VAT 100 figures when using the Flat Rate scheme and importing
services from the EU did not calculate the import correctly (it did when not using the
Flat Rate scheme). Fixed
v4.225 6th May 2021
- The account system can now be set to use none ISO4217 currencies (such as a digital currency) as the base
ledger currency.
- The Print/PDF and HTML document layouts for sales invoices now include data fields for displaying the amount
of the invoice already paid, and the amount still outstanding. It's displayed as a message rather than just
a number, and does not display at all if the figure would be zero. It only works for transactions in the
ledger currency.
- Sales Invoices, in both print/PDF and HTML layouts there are two new data fields. One that will show the
total amount of the discounts given on each line of the invoice, and one showing the discount rate (based on
all items on the invoice whether discounted or not). This can only work where items are invoiced from stock
and there is a retail value for stock item.
- Sales Invoices now have an option to be converted to an Estimate (the original invoice remains intact). The button
is marked 'Credit or Est.' and when clicked it gives you the choice of creating a Credit Note or an Estimate.
- Purchase invoices, when entering a stock item, if the invoice is set to search for stock items it will first
search for items using the suppliers part code, and only search the main stock database if no specific supplier
part code is found.
- When entering sales or purchase invoices, if a stock item was selected using the 'F' button to find it, the
stock code/SKU now gets recorded in the autocomplete function (if this is enabled). Allowing you to select
it in the future for that customer/supplier account without using the 'F' button.
- In the supplier account details, when listing stock items purchased from that supplier, there is now an option
that will just display the last purchase of any one stock item. This can be useful when checking an invoice
to see how/if prices have changed.
- HTML layouts for Invoices, Credit Notes, Proforma's, Estimates, and Advice Notes can now have the number
of decimal places controlled for several of the numerical data items. You can find the settings in the
'Layout Defaults' option in the 'HTML Document Layouts' section.
- There is now an option to list purchase invoices that contain accrual/prepayment postings. Also, the
actual postings can now be listed from several places within the system.
- In Stock Control/Inventory the option 'List Supercessions' now has the option to convert a supersession into a
regular stock item, and convert ALL supercessions into regular items (that option has to be enabled in
- New sales invoices, the 'Images' button would not work. Fixed.
- Payroll, at the start of a new tax year or when moving the payroll forward to the next pay period,
it would allow the user to do this without entering a pay period end date. Fixed.
- Payroll, when not running in the United Kingdom, in the employees pay details, the 'Pay an Advance on Salary'
button did not work. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only, when operating under the Construction Industry Scheme, an aged debtor or creditor
report would not produce the correct figures when backdated. It didn't take the CIS deductions into
account. Fixed.
- Remittance Advices, when a transaction on a remittance had the amount paid set to 0.00 it would automatically
be removed from the list of transactions to pay, and would appear in the bottom list of transactions with
outstanding amounts. But it could not be reselected for that remittance. Also, on the narrower version of the
Remittance Advice form, when an unpaid Remittance Advice was loaded up, the 'Pay Remittance' button would
sometimes be greyed out. Both issues fixed.
v4.224 6th April 2021
- Purchase Orders: There is now an option in settings that controls whether or not the suppliers part
code is added to a P/O (if different from the regular SKU).
- Scrolling using he mouse wheel has now been added to the General Ledger/Nominal Ledger options for
recurring and standing transactions. All forms that work in this manner should now contain this feature.
- Supplier invoices, the 'Allow stock selection' in the bottom left hand corner, when not ticked it will
not now search for stock items as they are typed into the 'Description of item/service' column.
- In the Import PayPal Sales option, the option to list previous PayPal imports has an option to list the
individual PayPal transactions, but this did not format the list correctly. Fixed.
- General Ledger/Nominal Ledger, when the budgets option is selected, all departments associated with all
budgets can initially appear in the department list, instead of just the departments for the selected
budget group, making the option a little confusing. Fixed.
- The autocomplete feature (where previously typed in text appears in a drop down list) could sometimes
record duplicate text. This particularly happened when entering invoices. Fixed.
- In the 'List/Maintain Backups' option in the 'System' menu under Setup, if the 'Help' button was clicked,
the help window would appear behind the 'List/Maintain Backups' option, locking up both. Only way out
was to click 'Exit' on the top menu bar. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only, when printing the P60's, where the NI letter of an employee changed during the year,
only one NI letter and set of NI deductions would be reported on their P60. Fixed.
- Supplier invoices, the 'Images' button was greyed out when entering a new invoice, and the 'Documents'
button, although not greyed out, had stopped working. Fixed.
- When entering sales invoices, if an overall discount rate was set in the customer account details,
it would only be automatically applied when the software was running in Level 2 and using the
wider sales invoice form (this would be automatically selected depending on available screen
space). Fixed.
- If a purchase invoice was converted to a credit note using the 'Credit Note' button on the invoice
details displayed, the conversion was fine, apart from 'Quantity' column which would only show a
negative number after the cursor had been through the input field. Except on the first line. Fixed.
- When in the HTML layout editor, if the 'Help' button was clicked, the help window would appear but
then hang the accounts system. Fixed.
v4.223 1st March 2021
- Invoices and credit notes for sales and purchases, purchase orders, stock received and returned
options and all similar forms can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.
- Supplier invoices, the description has been moved from the 'Details' tab to the front, just below
the tax date and suppliers invoice/credit note reference. This does not apply if the software
is running in basic level.
- Sales Invoices, the payment button can now fire up the regular payment option or the cash payment
option depending on the settings. Also, if it's set to fire up the regular payment option, you
can force it to fire up the cash payment option instead by right clicking the button. And vice
versa if the default is to fire up the cash payment option.
- Purchase Orders, if an order status is 'on order' and it's edited, details of the edits made
are recorded, and available to view from the 'Edit History' button in the 'Details' section.
- Estimates Analysis report added.
- Shop/Cafe Manager: when selling an item, if the 'Discount' button was clicked for the discount
option, if stock item prices did not include Sales Tax/VAT, it would not calculate the
discount correctly. Fixed.
- Purchase Orders, if it's edited and a stock item is changed to a different item on an order that
is still 'on order', the items ordered still show as being on order on the original item. Fixed.
- Purchase Orders, if a stock item is added to a P/O and the item has a part code specific to that
supplier, the suppliers part code is not shown in the P/O. Fixed.
- Purchase Orders, on a live order, if the button 'All Items Received' was clicked,any items on the
P/O that were not stock items got ignored. Fixed.
- In the Company/Organization details from the start up window, if the 'Help' button was clicked, the
help form opened up behind the Company/Organization details form, effectively locking up the application.
- When creating a new company/organization, if the AutoManager module wasn't selected, an error
message would appear during the creation of the ledgers saying the file "AM_EV.DBF" could not be
opened. Fixed.
- Sales/Profit Analysis report had some layout issues. Fixed.
- Stock Control/Inventory, the General Price List report did not report prices correctly due to issues
with Sales Tax/VAT. Fixed.
v4.222 16th February 2021
- The option 'Defaults and Variables', which is in the setup menu of most modules, has been renamed
to 'Settings'.
- The Aged Invoices List for both customers and suppliers now has a payment option. Simply select an
invoice, click the 'Payment' button, and the details of the invoice are loaded up in the payment
windows ready. Makes paying single invoices quick and easy.
- The 'Payment' button on sales Invoices now brings up the regular payment window, rather than the
cash payment window.
- The feedback form that appears when the application is closed down, will now only appear up to a
maximum of 10 times. If it hasn't been filled in by then, it gives up.
- When the 'Copy' button is clicked on a Sales Invoice, it replicates the invoice details as it should,
but it also copied the original invoice number, instead of generating a new number. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: CIS Returns and Verifications require a Tax Office Reference in order to work.
It was not possible to enter this in the set up for CIS. Fixed.
- If the Help text window was set to full screen, the help text its self did nto change width. Fixed.
- Shop/Cafe Manager stopped accepting input from a bar code scanner. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: MTD VAT return submissions may not have worked due to a bug introduced in
v4.220. Fixed.
v4.220 6th February 2021
- When entering Sales Invoices or Credit Notes, you can now enter a reference number manually, into the
top right hand corner. If you do not enter a reference number, the software will automatically generate
one as before. When editing an Invoice or Credit Note, you can also edit the reference number.
- When a list of General Ledger (or Nominal Ledger) accounts appears as part of a find option, there is
now a facility for listing them in description order, instead of the default account code order.
- When cloning a stock item, a window will now popup to ask whether you also want to copy the suppliers,
associated items, alternative items and/or special prices.
- United Kingdom only: payroll has now been updated ready for the 2021-22 tax year.
- Some forms that allow selection of various parameters for a report have a lot of options pre-selected
(using tick boxes). There is now a small button that will un-tick them all, allowing the user to
quickly just select the options they require.
- United Kingdom only: when creating a new VAT code, the option to select 'UK Domestic Reverse Charge'
was greyed out. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: when viewing a previous CIS submission, XXX's were put in to the more sensitive
fields such as the HMRC gateway ID. This is only supposed to happen in test mode. Fixed.
- United Kingdom only: the Domestic Reverse Charge for VAT was not adding the figure into Box 4 in the
VAT 100 report. Fixed. This new VAT scheme is not due to be used until 1st March 2021.
- The report Statement of Financial Position (what we used to call the Balance Sheet), produced very
large, and obviously wrong subtotals when reporting by department. Fixed.
- When adding items to a stock kit, if the stock code is entered manually (ie. the search option isn't
used) and the stock code entered is a supersession, the superseded item was added to the kit, instead
of the item it superseded to. Fixed.
v4.219 4th January 2021
- The 'Payment Type Analysis' reports for both customers and suppliers displayed the payment
figures as negative values. They are now displaying as positive values, making it slightly
easier to read.
- In the customer account details form, when listing Proforma Invoices, Advice Notes, or Estimates,
there is now an option not to display those that have already been invoiced.
- Existing sales Invoice and Credit Notes can now have none stock items in the 'Costs' section
edited without needing to click the main 'Edit' button. This can not be done for stock items, as
they generate postings into the stock system and sometimes the General Ledger (Nominal Ledger),
which can only be done when the Invoice or Credit Note can be fully edited.
- In the company/organization details, if an 'Alternative location for data' is entered with a
backslash at the end of the path, the software would report that no data has been found. If the
location was entered without a backslash, it would be fine, and the software would then apply
a backslash. Fixed.
- In the 'Money Paid (single)' and 'Money Received (single)' options in the General Ledger (Nominal
Ledger), if a tax exclusive amount was not entered, just the tax code and the total amount inclusive
of tax, several input fields would have to be tabbed through to get the 'OK' button to enable. Fixed.
- When the accounts system is running in Basic mode, the alternative customer address button in Invoice
and Credit Note details didn't work. Fixed.
- In stock item details, if the 'Quote Price' button was clicked, after selecting a customer a message
would appear "Stock item data record not found?". The option would work, but it would not display
a cost for the item. Fixed.
- When listing quoted stock item prices from a customer account, if an item was selected, and the 'Stock
Item Details' button clicked, the wrong stock item details would often appear. Fixed.
v4.218 6th November 2020
- The 'Receive Stock from Supplier' option now checks the suppliers delivery note reference and the date to make sure
the user is not about to enter a duplicate Delivery Note. A warning message will appear if it suspects a duplicate.
- In customer account details, Proforma invoices, advice notes, estimates, saved, and recurring transactions now only display
up to a given age (default is 2 years). This can be changed when in account details. Also, the default can be edited
in the setup 'Defaults and Variables' option.
- In the email shot options, customers or suppliers can now also be selected based on transactions, and the sales
or purchase analysis codes used within those transactions. They also have a much better facility for outputting data
to a CSV file, or directly into Excel or OpenOffice Calc spreadsheets
- A new report: List Customers by Business Type Code has been added to the 'Miscellaneous Reports' option.
- United Kingdom only: the domestic VAT reverse charge now operates on sales invoices (previously it only worked on
purchase invoices).
- United Kingdom only: payroll, you can now send an FPS if none of the employees on a payroll are due any payment,
provided they have all been processed. This is useful if there is no pay in a particular period, or you need to
notify HMRC of an employee/s leaving without waiting until the next pay period.
- When sending an email from within Adminsoft Accounts, it is now possible to browse your files and drag and drop
files into the list of attachments. You can drag and drop several files at once if you wish.
- When using the 'Money Received (Single)' or 'Money Paid Out (single)' options, and the total amount
is entered (ie. the amount including any Sales Tax/VAT), some combinations of tax rate and amount
could cause the figure entered to change by one penny. This change was visible to the the user, so
they could correct it, but of course it was still irritating. Fixed.
- In stock item details, if the 'Re-balance Stock' option was used, and the costing method was anything other than FIFO
or LIFO, the 'Cost Analysis' would always show the FIFO and LIFO item cost as zero. Fixed.
- When a sales invoice or credit note was deleted that contained stock items, the retail price in the stock movement
records that adjusted the stock may have a retail price set to 0.00. Fixed.
- When adding security profiles to an Adminsoft Accounts user, any changes to the profile could not be saved. Fixed.
- When setting up to send email, the 'Send Test Email' button ignored the SMTP TLS setting. Fixed.
- The Cash/Bank Balances graph in the Financial Summary background could put balances into the graph a year early if
a cash/bank account had no transactions for the first year of the graph (it goes back two years). Fixed.
- United Kingdom only, in the EPS, the SMP, SPP, SAP, etc. should all accept 2 decimal places, but
they would only accept whole numbers. Fixed.
v4.216 5th October 2020
- The Statement of Income (Profit & Loss) and the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
reports can now list the transactions.
- Stock Control/Inventory now has a valuation report that can display the total item in stock,
total cost, and total retail value as at any given date.
- When creating or viewing a Purchase Order, the account reference your supplier uses for you is
now displayed. This is termed 'Their A/c Ref.'
- The option 'Wholesale Stock Changes' can now change discounted retail prices (where there is no
sales discount code) and customers special prices.
- Stock item prices can now be setup as inclusive or exclusive of Sales Tax/VAT regardless of
which software modules have been selected. Previously, if Shop/Cafe Manager was in use, then
stock prices would always be inclusive of Sales Tax/VAT. The option is in the 'Defaults and
Variables' option in Stock Control/Inventory setup.
- In the 'Database - Fixing' option, the 'General Stock Data' button now also corrects the 'Reserved'
stock figure in the stock item details.
- Emailshots can now include attachments.
- When entering payments made or received directly into the General Ledger (Nominal Ledger), you can
now enter the amount including any Sales Tax/VAT, and the amount excluding tax and the tax amount will
be calculated for you. This makes input a little faster than using the 'Tax Calculator' button (which
has now been removed).
- When the details of a stock item are displayed, and another item is superceeded to it using the
'Add Supercession' button, all the information from the item being superceeded is merged with the selected
item. This should also apply where stock items are being imported from external data.
- The Stock Sales Analysis report can now be produced in profit amount or profit % order. There is also
a Stock Sales Analysis by Period report that can show sales/profit broken down by week, month, quarter
or year.
- When a stock item is superceeded, the bin locations from the item being superceeded are copied into the
stock item it's being superceeded to. Provided there are sufficient empty bin location data fields.
There is also an option to fully merge the details of each stock item.
- Stock reserved for a customer and prices quoted to a customer can now be listed for a particular customer
from the customer account details.
- The 'Re-Balance Stock' button in the 'Movements' tab of the stock item details set the quantity
in stock, total cost, and remaining items in each stock movement if FIFO or LIFO were being used
to zero. Fixed.
- Trial Balance Report, if transactions are included, it always listed the transactions from the
start of the financial year regardless of the account periods selected. Fixed.
- When using oversize form and font sizes (from the 'Change font and form sizes' option in the
'Help' menu), the 'Quantity' input field did not line up properly in supplier invoices. Some
digits to the right (pence/cents) could not be seen or only partially seen. Fixed.
- In start up screen, if it was dragged smaller, making it too small would cause it to hang. Also,
clicking the 'List Current Users' button from that screen would cause it to hang. Fixed.
v4.215 1st September 2020
- When entering a supplier invoice or credit note, with the accounts system in 'Level 1: Basic' mode,
you can now edit the Sales Tax/VAT amounts calculated.
- There is now a general purpose calculator available in the 'General' menu. There is one in Windows
as standard, of course. But this one is probably easier/quicker to get to, and it maybe more useful.
- When creating a Purchase Order, when a stock item is entered it checks to see if there is a
supplier record for that item. If there is it will use the suppliers published cost or the
last purchase cost, which ever one is less. There is now an option in the 'Defaults and Variables'
option in the P/O set up menu, that allows you to tell it to just use the published cost, if required.
- Payroll, United Kingdom only. When P45 or P60's are printed, you can now select a Windows printer.
- Stock Item Details now have an extra tab specifically for listing purchases. This includes and stock
movements generated by purchase invoices, P/O's, and the 'Receive Stock from Supplier' option. It can
also list all purchases within the last 12 months in cost per item order, to allow you to easily
determine the cheapest supplier.
- In Stock/Inventory Control, FIFO and LIFO cost methods are both maintained regardless of which cost
method is actually in use. This allows the cost method to be changed without necessarily having to
get the system to re-calculate all the costs each time. Although we still recommend you do that, because
the total cost of stock for each item may not be correct. We also still recommend that once a cost
method is selected, it is better to stick with it, if possible.
- It's now possible to prevent customer Invoices and Credit Notes from being back dated. The option is
in the A/c Receivable (Sales Ledger) set up option 'Defaults and Variables'.
- In the Adminsoft Accounts user security profile, it's now possible to specify whether the user can
create customer Credit Notes or not.
- When printing a supplier invoice, as the layout for these can not be edited, the gap between the SKU
and the description for stock items has been closed up. To get more of the description on a line.
- Payroll (not United Kingdom), the 'Pay All Employees' button had the wrong caption. It said
'Undo All Payments' instead, although it did pay all employees if clicked, so it worked, it was just
misleading. Fixed.
- When adding a supercession to a an existing stock item, the input field was limited to only 8
characters, when it should be 20. Fixed.
- When importing stock items from an external data file, if the retail or cost price were included
in the data, the date of the last price change was not updated. Fixed.
- When raising a Sales Invoice, if it's then saved rather than posted to the account, when it's
worked on again later the costs of any stock items could no longer be edited. Fixed.
- Trial Balance report, if 'Include opening balances' was not selected, it would show balances for the
year to what ever period was selected, even when it was supposed to show balances for a specific
period or range of periods. Fixed.
- In Stock Control/Inventory, a user could delete a stock movement even if they only had 'read only'
access to stock. Fixed.
v4.214 1st August 2020
United Kingdom only, when using the VAT Flat Rate Scheme, sales transactions posted directly into
the Nominal Ledger or through Shop/Cafe Manager as cash transactions, the VAT due calculation for
the VAT100 report only used the goods/service sales figure. It did not add the VAT amount to the
goods/services figure before working out the VAT due. So the VAT calculated as due could be lower
than it should be. Resulting in a possible underpayment of VAT. This issue is now fixed, but the
fix is NOT retrospective, it will not automatically correct itself on your next VAT return. So you
may wish to check your previous VAT returns for any sales posted directly into the N/L or via Cafe/Shop
Manager. It is not known how long this error existed. If you only enter sales via the Sales Ledger or
AutoManager, this issue does not affect you.
- When loading up a saved sales Invoice or Credit Note to continue working on it, the tax date will
default to 'today's date'.
- When allocating a transaction (often a payment), the list of transactions it can be allocated to
will show an * next to the date of any transaction that is in dispute. Also, the 'Automatically
Allocate' button will not automatically allocate to any disputed transaction.
- United Kingdom only, payroll: P45's can now be printed out directly from the software. These have
been laid out to HMRC specifications. The option is in the employee details, and appears when a
leaving date has been entered. But, only when the employee details are re-loaded, because their
final payslip should be processed and ideally and FPS should be run before printing a P45.
- United Kingdom only, payroll: P60's have now been created to HMRC specifications and have received
their approval. The P60's can be printed, sent to PDF files, or emailed out to each employee.
Of course these P60's are not actually required until April 2021.
- The Trial Balance report, the settings have been changed to make it easier to select the account
period range and report options. This may be extended to the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
reports, depending on user feedback.
- When Stock Item details are displayed, the software uses one of two forms, depending on how much
screen space is available. The smaller of the forms had an issue with the item 'Surcharge', in
that it would not allow it to be 0.00. Fixed.
- When a Purchase Order was raised, if the quantity on order for a stock item was subsequently
edited, the 'Purch Orders' figure in the stock item details did not change. Fixed.
- If a Purchase Order was received and marked as completed, then subsequently reversed. The quantity
on order of any stock items did not get updated to reflect the fact the order was live again. Fixed.
- When entering a stock item into a supplier invoice (with using the find button), and it's set to
search the stock file, it would not recognize the stock code if it was entered in lower case. Fixed.
v4.213 4th July 2020
When entering a Sales Invoice or Credit Note, the costs in the 'Costs' section now indicate
exactly what will happen to the stock. They are no longer just for the software to work out the
profitability of the invoice. If you edit a cost, it is the value you enter that will be used when
the stock is updated. You can also now enter a stock item into costs without entering it into the main
body of the invoice.
- You can now create a Remittance Advice even if a payment has already been entered into the system.
This can be done from the payment details, or just prior to it being allocated, or in the option
that lists the transactions it's been allocated to.
- Payroll, United Kingdom, employer NI due for each employee has been added to the P60 report.
- Payroll, United Kingdom, when printing a P60 report, the employees NI details would not be
printed if they did not earn enough to actually pay any NI. Fixed.
- When entering a Sales Invoice, if the 'Ins' buttons were used to insert a line into the body of the
invoice, the last line of the invoice could get missed out when it was posted, although it would
still appear in the invoice (but not if the invoice was subsequently re-loaded). Fixed.
v4.212 18th June 2020
- The 'Help' button on most forms when clicked would by default use Microsoft's IE to display the help
page. However, there have been issues that mainly seem to involve Windows 10 and IE 11 which do not
always allow third party software such as Adminsoft Accounts to access IE. So IE is no longer used.
This means everyone should now be able to see the help pages.
- Stock/Inventory Control, the 'cost per' of stock items could be automatically changed by the software
if it thought the price would lose accuracy otherwise. But this is causing some confusion, in particular
when a customer's prices are based on a mark up on cost, their invoice could have a large number in
the price 'Each' column. Which could represent a 'price per' of anything up to 10,000 units. So this
automatic 'price/cost per' calculation has now been abandoned. It will only use what ever 'per' has been
set up in the stock item details, for either retail or cost price.
- When creating a sales invoice, estimate or proforma and entering a stock item that has extra lines of
description or a surcharge, the extra lines and/or surcharge were not appearing. This is an issue that
has only developed recently. Fixed.
- When creating a sales invoice, stock items entered into the invoice not always correctly reporting if
there is sufficient stock. Fixed.
- In stock item details, when finding a Sales Discount code or a Purchase Discount code, if 'Setup' was
clicked in the list, it was not always possible to click the find button once in the discount details
window. Fixed.
- The Database - Fix option, when fixing stock/inventory, if any costing method other than AVCO was being
used, the option would set the total cost of stock for each item to zero. Fixed.
- When creating a customer Credit Note, the profit figure would be correct, but when the Credit Note was
reloaded it would be wrong. Although could then correct itself later. Fixed.
- When converting a customer or supplier Invoice to a Credit Note, if the sales tax/VAT has been edited,
and the user opted not to re-calculate the tax, the tax figures would be positive instead of negative.
v4.211 11th June 2020
- Reports were limited to a maximum length of around 5,000 pages. This has now been increased to
around 50,000 pages. Though please be aware processing very large reports of over 5,000 pages
takes most PC's a long time.
- In Stock Control/Inventory, the 'List Supercessions' option now has a setting to just list
supercessions that superceed to a non-existent item if required. Making it much quicker and
easier to tidy them up.
- If a customer or supplier invoice was entered and the sales tax/VAT amount that's automatically
calculated then edited, the invoice would not post with the correct tax amount. The problem would
then be compounded it the invoice was subsequently edited. Fixed.
- The data integrity check when checking inventory would generate an error for all stock items that had
a quantity in stock if the stock costing method was set to AVCO (Average Cost). Fixed.
v4.210 9th June 2020
- Remittance Advices now indicate if an Invoice is subject to Early Settlement Discount, and can
take the reduced Invoice amount into account when making payment. This makes handling Early
Settlement Discounts a lot easier. Note, it does not automatically post Early Settlement
Discount transactions when payment is made, that still has to be done manually. Automatic
posting currently isn't possible due to issues apportioning Sales Tax/VAT.
- If a Purchase Order is being raised in direct response to a customers requirements, the customer
details displayed on the 'Details' page of the P/O are now clickable. Bringing up the customers
- When entering a purchase invoice, if a cost item needed to be accrued over a number of account periods,
it used to default to 3. Now it defaults to the number of account periods in the financial year.
- Invoices, both sales and purchase when entered in a currency other than th ledger currency are prone to
the odd 'penny' error due to rounding issues between currencies. More work has been done to try and
prevent any 'penny' errors occurring.
- In stock item details, there are two new options to display an analysis of stock item sales by month
or by year (which includes a break down of monthly sales). The buttons are in the 'Analysis' section,
or if it's having to use the reduced width form, they will be in the 'Sales' section.
- Payroll, United Kingdom only, employee tax codes starting with the letters 'SK' or 'CK' would
not be accepted as valid. Fixed.
- When a purchase invoice and payment were entered together as an 'Invoice receipt', if the payment was
subsequently deleted, when displaying the invoice details, it would display as an 'Invoice Receipt'.
In other words, as if the payment was still there (just a display issue, it didn't affect the accounts).
- When entering a refund, in either ledger, if a transaction such as a payment was selected first, the
value of that transaction would appear in the refund details as a negative figure, instead of a
positive figure. Fixed.
- When a Sales Invoice or Credit Note was edited, if a stock item was added to it, it did not update
the stock sales figures or the 'remaining' figures used for FIFI/LIFO correctly. Although the quantity
in stock remained correct. Fixed.
- Sales invoices, if not in the ledger currency and had an early settlement discount setup, when the
invoice was re-loaded, the early settlement amount shown would not be correct. (although the amount
calculated and appearing elsewhere was correct) Fixed.
- The 'Print Form' and 'Print Screen' options in the 'Help' menu were no longer working. Fixed. Note,
smaller forms will print in portrait, while larger forms and the screen will print in landscape. As it
does not compress the image to fit the page, due to the large screen sizes often in use today, if you
print the screen some of it may bleed off the page (some particularly wide forms may also do this).
If you need to print the screen, you may have to use the 'Save Screen' option to save the image to a .JPG
file, and then load it up into Microsoft Paint or some other graphics package and print it from there.
- When entering a sales invoice, if the same stock item was entered into the invoice more than once, and
there was insufficient stock for the other item/s, it would not warn the user or stop the sale (which ever
was required in the setup). Also, if a transaction with two more identical stock items on it was edited,
it also would not always warn the user about stock levels. Fixed.
- When operating inventory using the AVCO costing method, the setup option 'Database - Fixing' did not always
produce the correct 'Total Cost' of a stock item, depending on it's movement history. Fixed.
v4.208 6th May 2020
- United Kingdom only, payroll EPS would not be accepted by HMRC if claiming NIC employment
allowance. Fixed.
v4.207 2nd May 2020
- If a Sales Invoice was edited, and a stock item added to it, the selling price of the new item
would not appear in the stock movements. Fixed.
- If a sales Invoice that was generated from the AutoManager PartsCounter module was edited, it
could remove the associated stock movement records. Fixed.
Both the above issues, and the one below, crept into the software in the v4.201 update (released on 11th March 2020)
which enhanced the editing of invoices.
v4.206 1st May 2020
- IMPORTANT FIX: When an invoice generated from the Service Counter in the AutoManager module is edited,
it can end up deleting a lot of stock movement records that are nothing to do with the invoice being
edited. The ability to edit an invoice generated by Service Counter is now disabled.
- When an email was sent from within Adminsoft Accounts from the employees details window. The email
sent was not recorded.
- Payroll, on some payslip formats, the date the employee was paid did not get printed. It just
appeared as a few dots. Fixed.
v4.205 23rd April 2020
- United Kingdom only, when operating CIS as a sub-contractor, you can now opt not to print the
amount due to be deducted on a sales invoice (option is in Setup -> Sales Ledger -> Defaults and Variables,
Miscellaneous 2 tab).
- United Kingdom only, payroll NI tables, some input fields have been greyed out to make it clearer
which fields are actually used for employee/employer and which are not.
- United Kingdom only, payroll, when selecting the option to edit the tax and NI tables, only the current
tax year and previous tax year are now selectable. This is due to the number of changes HMRC have made
particularly to the way NI is handled over the years.
- United Kingdom only, payroll NI tables, when editing the bands, validation messages would prevent the
Secondary threshold band from being a lower figure that the Primary threshold. Fixed.
- Stock Control/Inventory, when adjusting stock on an item that has had no previous stock movements,
the adjustment defaults to opening balance (though this can be changed when making the adjustment).
v4.204 21st April 2020
- IMPORTANT: UK Payroll only, the 'Primary threshold' and 'Secondary threshold' NI bands were the
wrong way around. This resulted NI being incorrectly calculated. Fixed.
- When transactions are posted into the General ledger (Nominal Ledger) using a Recurring Transaction
template, if that template is later deleted, when looking at a transaction posted by the Recurring
Transaction template and the 'Source Transaction' button was clicked, a series of error messages
would appear. Fixed.
v4.203 18th April 2020
- When entering a purchase invoice, and invoicing from a P/O, there is now an option in setup
to enable or disable the copying of any extra description or comments in the body of the
P/O to the invoice. The default is to allow them to be copied.
- When a sales invoice is edited, and a stock item is changed to a different item, the original
stock items are not put back into stock. Fixed.
- When using the 'Copy' button in a sales Invoice, if invoicing from stock, the stock would
not be updated when the copy invoice was posted. Fixed.
- When entering a sales invoice, and invoicing from stock, it a stock item was entered and then
the quantity increased (ie. the 'Quantity' column edited), the cost may not always be correct
if using FIFO or LIFO. It depended on whether there were enough items at the same cost to handle
the increased quantity. Fixed.
- When entering a purchase invoice, and invoicing from a P/O, if the P/O contained any comments,
those comments would appear in the body of the invoice, but indented 20 characters from the
start of the 'Description of Item/Service' input field instead of at the start. Fixed.
v4.202 9th April 2020
- Supplier Invoices, when entering an invoice that will update stock, the Ctrl-F, Ctrl-R, and
function keys F4, F5, and F8 now work just as they do when entering a sales invoice.
- Supplier Invoices, when running the accounts system in 'Basic Level', it would take three clicks
from the mouse button to position the cursor into the quantity column. Fixed.
- Supplier Invoices, the supplier account default purchase analysis and sales tax/VAT codes
where no longer appearing in the invoice. Fixed.
- AutoManager, workshop Job details, when a part is purchased from this option for a specific
job, the Sales Tax/VAT code was not always accepted as valid. Fixed.
- When view stock movements in stock item details, if you tried to view the 'Original Transaction'
and the movement was generated via the 'Receive Stock from Supplier' option, it would not
display the original transaction. Fixed.
- In the Stock Item Details option, there are two Adjust Stock buttons. One in with the main
buttons group, and one at the list of the stock movements list. This button next to the
stock movements list would always be enabled regardless of the users access setting. Fixed.
- When viewing stock item details with the accounts system in 'Basic Level', the description
input field always maintained a pink background. Fixed.
v4.201 11th March 2020
- Customer Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debits Notes, when being edited change the stock movement of a stock
item if the quantity or cost has been edited. Previously, everything was put back into stock, and then
taken out of stock again after the edit, regardless of what changed.
- Supplier Invoices, Credit Notes, and Debit Notes can now update stock. Note, when they are edited, they
update the stock movement records only as necessary, as per sales transactions discussed above.
- Advice Notes that are not created from within Adminsoft Accounts, but are imported from third party
software can now be deleted if necessary.
- When viewing Advice Notes, Proforma Invoices, and Estimates, if they have been invoiced, there is now a
button that will display the invoice details.
- Payroll now set up ready for tax year 2020-21. United Kingdom only, international payroll not changed.
- In the customer menu, under 'Lists' the option 'Advice Notes' has now been renamed 'Customers with Live
Advice Notes'. This lists all customers with un-invoiced Advice Notes, as before. A new option 'Advice
Notes' (hence renaming the older option), lists the Advice Notes themselves. Both invoiced and
un-invoiced (this is optional).
- In the 'Receive Stock from Supplier' and 'Send Stock Back to Supplier' options, if the Enter key was pressed
at the end of line 12 in the 'Cost Each' column, control would go to the 'OK' button. This behaviour has
now been changed, so the input form scrolls and control goes to the 'Quantity' column. As it does
with most other similar input forms in the accounts system. This allows the user to keep using the
Enter key when inputting data, without it suddenly ending the input session.
- Some users of the software have occasionally reported blank entries in the user log, which have
then prevented them from backing up the data. So the backup option will now automatically
detect and remove any blank entries in the log.
- Purchases by Purchase Type Code Analysis report, when reporting a line from an Invoice or Credit Note
Receipt (ie. as opposed to a full Invoice or Credit Note), it would print the Purchase Analysis code
description. It now prints notes, or a P/O reference, or the Invoice or Credit Note description instead,
which is more useful.
- Invoices, Credit Notes and Debit Notes now have an option to display the goods/services and tax
amounts processed in a Sales Tax/VAT period end. This may be useful if you are working on a
cash accounting basis for the purposes of Sales Tax/VAT. The button for this option is in the
'Details' tab, next to the Sales Tax/VAT period end date. (not available when running the accounts
system in 'basic' mode)
- List Deleted Transactions option now has the facility to undelete A/c Payable (Purchase Ledger) transactions.
Also, A/c Receivable (Sales Ledger) could only undelete invoices, credit notes and debit notes, now it can
undelete any transaction (except Contra's).
- Labels, it is now possible to set a value (in lines) for an offset from the top of a page to the first line
to be printed. In the days when labels were produced on dot matrix printers this was no an issue, but as
most labels are now printed on inkjet or laser printers, controlling the position of the first line is
- In the General Stock report, the data fields 'Cost Price' and 'Cost Price Each' were both producing the same
figures. Which is an average cost price based on total quantity in stock divided by the cost of that stock.
These have now been changed to 'Cost Price (LIST)' which produces the cost price as it appears in the stock
item details record (ie. the 'LIST' cost price), and 'Average Cost Price' which produces the average cost as
discussed above.
- When editing Proforma Invoices or Estimates, the quantity in stock displayed when cursoring over an
item would not be correct. Fixed.
- List Deleted Transactions, if the 'Clear Transactions' button was used to clear out all the deleted
transactions, they would all be cleared, but only the list on display would clear. If the user clicked
any of the other lists, the transactions would still be displayed, even though they no longer existed. Fixed.
- Making or receiving payments in a none ledger currency into supplier or customer accounts would
sometimes mix the ledger and none ledger currencies. Particularly if the currency to be used was
edited. Fixed.
- Stock Control/Inventory, the Delivery Note details when displayed did not display the suppliers
account code and name. Fixed.
- Sales Invoice, when a cost was added manually, some of the details did not line up properly with
other automatically generated costs (although the data was processed correctly). Fixed.
- Database - Fixing option for Stock Control/Inventory, if costing was set to AVCO (Average Cost), it would
not correctly re-calculate the total cost of the holding each stock item. Fixed.
- If using a Sales Tax/VAT cash accounting scheme for purchases, where an invoice falls within the tax
period and payment is made after the tax period and is paid via a remittance advice, the invoice could
be included in the Sales Tax/VAT period end. Even though it shouldn't appear until the following period
end due to the date of the payment. Fixed.
- If using a Sales Tax/VAT cash accounting scheme for sales or purchases, where an invoice is part paid within
a sales tax/VAT period, and then paid again after the sales tax/VAT period end, the proportion paid during
the period may not appear in that period, appearing in the subsequent period instead. Fixed.
v4.200 14th January 2020
- Stock Control / Inventory, stock item details (wide window only), the stock movements now
include separate columns for price and cost, and also include a running total for the
quantity in stock.
- General Stock Report cleaned up a little, plus the included stock movements now has separate
columns for item price and cost.
- It's now possible to add default file attachments to any documents that are emailed. Very
useful for automatically including things like your 'Terms and Conditions' or 'Guarantee'
or 'Returns Policy', etc. The option is in: Setup -> Miscellaneous -> Setup Email Document
- There is now an option to open the files (.DBF tables) directly using what ever application
your Windows is set to open up .DBF files by default. The option is in the 'system' menu,
I'm afraid it is not available when the software is used as shareware.
- Aged Debtors and Aged Creditors reports now have an option to filter out any transactions that
are in dispute. Note, this option is not available in the on-screen debtors and creditors lists.
- United Kingdom only: when using a spreadsheet to produce the figures for MTD VAT returns, if
the accounts system could not read numeric data from the cells in a spreadsheet, it could produce
a VAT return with no figures in it. Now it displays a message warning the user if anything went
wrong reading the VAT data from the spreadsheet.
- It is now possible to change the base currency of a company/organization. From the top menu bar
select Setup -> Miscellaneous -> Currencies. Select the currency you wish to use and click the
'Set to Base Currency' button. Few users will require this option, but it's very useful for those
that do require it.
- United Kingdom only, when setting up a VAT code for reverse charging, it would still allow a normal
VAT rate to also be applied to the same VAT code. This confused the output of the VAT100 report.
The ability for this to happen has been removed, so a VAT code can contain either a normal VAT
rate or a reverse charging rate, but not both.
- General Ledger (Nominal Ledger), the 'List Journals' option has a 'Print List (Wide)' button,
which is supposed to print the list as if the window had been dragged wide to expose the
'Description', 'Journal', 'Dept', and 'Currency' columns. The last three columns didn't get
printed. Fixed.
- Cost of stock items, the 'LAST' costing method didn't work properly, often producing a cost
of zero. Most users use FIFO, but if there is no cost available under FIFO it should attempt
to retrieve a cost using LAST, But this usually failed, and so it would revert to using LIST.
Which was a problem if no LIST cost price had been set up. Fixed.
- The Cash/Bank/Credit Card account statement displays an opening balance. But when the 'Run
Report' option was selected at the bottom of the list, an opening balance wasn't printed. Fixed.
- Purchase Orders, when editing notes at the end of a Purchase Order that was already 'On order',
or adding them to the end of a Purchase Order, the edits would not be saved. Fixed.
Archived software version log for changes made prior to 2020