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Support -
Sales Ledger / Accounts Receivable

The answers to these questions all relate to recent versions of the software. As the software is under almost constant development, things change, and there may be some minor differences to the version you are using. If you are unsure of an answer, or can not find what you are looking for, please email support for guidance.

How do I add interest on overdue accounts?

There is no specific function to add interest to a particular transaction, or to an account.  There are two ways around this, one is to create an invoice just for the interest, another way is to apply an adjustment.

I want to delete an invoice, but the software won't let me?

Two things can prevent an invoice from being deleted: 1) it has been processed during a VAT/Sales Tax period end, or 2) it is part of an accounting period that has been closed.

I need to know how to enter an advanced payment from a client?

You can enter a payment into a customer account without any invoices.  Just click on the button 'Payment Received', and enter the payment details, click on the 'OK' button.  It will then ask you if you want to allocate the payment, just click on 'No'.  The payment will then sit on the customer account as outstanding, under current transactions. If you are operating a Sales Tax/VAT cash accounting scheme, there will be an option in the payment to specify if the payment should be treated as an advanced payment (which will be subject to Sales tax/VAT in some countries, even though no invoice exists).

Later on, when you generate an invoice, you can allocate the payment to the invoice. Highlight payment in the list of customer transactions, click on the 'Allocation' button on the right hand side, and follow the instructions.

We don't seem to be able to backdate any transactions. I cannot enter items from our previous account year. We get a message saying “Warning no account period”?

When the system installs, it requests the dates for your current financial year, and then creates periods accordingly.  In order to enter transactions that are prior to your current year, you need to manually create account periods for that year.   Click on 'Setup' on the top menu bar, then go down to 'Nominal Ledger' (or 'General Ledger'), and then select 'Account Periods'.   Click the 'Create Periods for a Year' button, and enter the details of your previous financial year.

I created my own invoice layout but the accounts system doesn't use it when I print an invoice?

To use the invoice layout you have created, you need to set it up as the default layout.  To do this, click on 'Setup' on the top menu bar, cursor down to the first menu item (either 'Customers', 'Sales Ledger' or 'A/c Receivable'), then click on 'Layout Setup'.  In that form, the first layout line is for Invoices and Credit Notes.  Set it to your layout.  Then click the 'OK' button at the bottom right hand corner.   Next time you print an invoice, it should use the selected layout.

Statements do not show any detail under the 'Description' column?

The Description column in the Statements depends on what description you typed in when creating the invoice.   This is the input field below the body of the invoice. On other transactions it is usually the transaction reference.

How can I enter cash received from our customers?

You can enter a payment onto a customer account without creating an invoice at the time. The payment will then sit on the account until it is allocated to something.  But at some point you have to raise an invoice (it doesn't have to be printed off) on each account to the value of the payments made, and allocate the payments to it.  The account will tell you exactly how much the customer has paid, so you'll know exactly how much to create the invoice for, without having to manually add up each payment.  And when allocating the payments, there is a button that will automatically allocate them all for you, so you don't have to manually pick up each one. However, usually a sales invoice is created before any payment is posted.

If a customer account is a cash account (which is the default), when you raise an invoice, and then post it to the account (printing it out is optional, when you've created the invoice if you want to post without printing, just click on the OK button) the system will ask about payment, and you can enter the payment details there and then.   The payment would be automatically allocated to the invoice just raised.

How can I create a quote or estimate?

The accounts system will need to be running on 'Level 2: Advanced Level Functionality'. Go to customer details, and you'll see the 'Proforma/Adv/Est/Saved' tab to the right hand side of the form, about half way down.  Click on that, and then click on the 'Estimates' tab. You create an estimate in the same way as a normal sales invoice (the forms look very much alike). However, when the estimate is completed it is saved, but not posted into the accounts system.   If your customer accepts the estimate, you can bring up the details and click a button to convert it to a proper sales invoice.

Is there any way that I can get a summary of balances outstanding per period, eg. due 30 days, 60 days, and so on, at the bottom of the statement?

If you click on 'Setup' option on the top menu bar, go to 'Sales Ledger' (or it may be called 'Customers' or 'A/c. Receivable depending on how your accounts system is setup), and then select 'Settings'.   Just click on the OK button on the warning message that comes up.

The first input line on this form allows you to select different statement formats.  The last format 'Use with A4 plain paper, aged debt' will provide the aged balances you require on your statements.  Only draw back is that it is for plain paper only.

My business operates in Spain, is it possible to issue sales invoices in Spanish?

Yes, you can modify the invoice layout. This allows you to translate any English text on the invoice into Spanish (or any other language for that mater).

If the information you require is not here, send an email to

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2024-03-28 Thursday: Adminsoft Accounts has been completely free to use since December 2006. In recent years the new Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing modules have not been available (in theory…) to those using the software for free ... more
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