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Support - Stock / Inventory Control

The answers to these questions all relate to recent versions of the software. As the software is under almost constant development, things change, and there may be some minor differences to the version you are using. If you are unsure of an answer, or can not find what you are looking for, please email support for guidance.

We carry some stock where the items are costed to five decimal places. For example: $0.00235 Adminsoft Accounts only seems to handle costs to two decimal places? ?

In stock item details there is a 'Cost Price', just under that input field is 'Price Per'.    Normally 'Price Per' will be set to 1.   The system divides 'Cost Price' by 'Price Per' in order to get the final price.  In your example, to price an item at $0.00235, you could set 'Cost Price' to $2.35 and 'Price Per' to 1000.

This will be inaccurate if you're only purchasing a very small number of units, because at some point it has to round to 2 decimal places. In practice this should not be an issue, as items that have such a small unit cost are likely to be purchased in large quantities.

We have our stock figures in a CSV file, can these be uploaded into Adminsoft Accounts to save us having to type all the data in?

Stock data can be imported using the 'Import Data from Supplier' option.  Click on 'Stock Control' ('Inventory') on the menu bar, and you'll see it's around the seventh option down.  It is mainly to allow data to be imported into the system from suppliers, for updating retail and cost prices and other details.  But it can also be used to set up your stock.   You have to create an import file definition.  Click on 'New Definition' and you can start describing to the system where your file is, and how its structured.   This is not a simple job, because there are SO many ways that data can be contained in a file!   But if you read the Help that is available, with a little trial and error you should get there. Note: ALWAYS backup your data before attempting to import any kind of data file.

Can I have multiple warehouses?

At the time of writing (Sept 2023) the software does not support multiple warehouses.

Can I track serialized stock?

At the time of writing (Sept 2023) the software does not support the tracking of serialized stock.

I can't find "Kits" in Adminsoft Accounts. We manufacture electronic items and would like to be able to check stock against a parts list. Is this what "Kit" means?

A 'kit' is a stock item that is made up from other stock items.   If you look at stock item details (if running the system in 'Full Details' mode), you can create a kit item by typing a 'Y' to the 'Is item a Kit' input.  This allows you to click on the 'Kit Parts' button to select what items are required to construct the kit.  It will tell you how many kits you can construct, based on the quantity held of each stock item.   When you have physically constructed some kits, you can tell the system how many, and it will automatically remove those items from stock, and increase the stock quantity of the kit item. Please note, when selling kit items, if there is insufficient quantity in stock, the system will NOT automatically attempt to make up some more. They can only be created manually.

I have received stock from a supplier (no purchase order) but the stock I entered does not appear on my stock balances unless I physically go in and do a stock adjustment, is there a process I need to follow to get this done?

There are three ways to get items into stock:

1) You have already discovered, adjusting the stock level.  Not ideal.

2) By raising a Purchase Order, and receiving the stock into the Purchase Order.

3) There is an option called "Receive Stock from Supplier" in the Stock Control (or Inventory) menu.  This is about one third of the way down the menu, under the heading 'Transactions'. This is ideal for putting items into stock where there is no Purchase Order.

By the way, when you raise a sales invoice, and type the stock item code into the "Stock Code or Description of Item/Service" input line, the stock item details will be pulled out of the database.  When the sale is completed, the stock level will be reduced.  However, the same is not true on the purchase side.  When you enter in the details of a supplier invoice, even if you enter the details in full (ie. each line of the invoice), it does not affect the stock levels. Just thought I should mention it.

If the information you require is not here, send an email to

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