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Sales prospect details

Estimate details

Sales Prospecting

Records and track your sales prospects. From this module you can record all relevant details of your sales prospect, including a list of contacts with names, telephone numbers, email addresses and alternative contact methods such as Facebook Twitter, etc.

You can create estimates and output those estimates into an email (formatted in HTML), or as a PDF file, or into Word or OpenOffice Write, you can even print them! Estimates can contain cost and selling prices, and images of the product/service being estimated. The images can be printed out as part of the estimate. There are two types of estimate: one designed for simple single product, single quantity type estimates, and one for multiple product and multiple quantities. Estimates can be turned into an order/job which then appears in the Sales Order Processing module.

Estimating links to Stock Control, so when estimating from stock, it will pull through the selling and cost prices.

Please note: this module is only available when a software licence has been purchased.

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2024-03-28 Thursday: Adminsoft Accounts has been completely free to use since December 2006. In recent years the new Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing modules have not been available (in theory…) to those using the software for free ... more
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