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The developer, Mike Towle

Not much to look at, but the beer looks nice....

Archived blog from the developer, Mike Towle . . . . . . . . . . .

2007-11-17 Saturday: Ooops!! Nearly three months since my last blog! Where does the time go? I have been working hard on the software, and have now released the latest version v3.120 It's easier to use than ever, has had a few bugs ironed out of it, contains a few extra reports, and allows the user to set up their own colors. So they can customize the look of the software.

Those last couple of sentences, did you notice I used the USA spelling for 'colors' and 'customize'? As I am aiming to distribute Adminsoft Accounts into any country where English is their first or second language, spelling is a problem. Fact is, although I'm from the UK I tend to use USA spelling because most of my target audience do. No doubt if you look carefully through the software, or this web site, you'll notice I sometimes slip back into UK spelling. Sorry for the inconsistency, spelling things the UK way is a habit of 40 years.

Most words have small differences, but some have large differences, like 'cheque' and 'check'. Some are totally different, like 'mobile phone' and 'cell phone'. I go to surprising lengths to try and accommodate these within the software. Adminsoft Accounts changes the terminology it uses depending on which country you're in. There are limits though, it doesn't change the spelling (unless the word is very different). So to all those people who grew up with UK spelling, I apologize (pun intended :-). But there has to be compromises, otherwise I could spend all my time getting the language right for each country and no time actually developing the software.

I'll try not to leave it three months before my next blog. Promise.

2007-08-25 Saturday: The latest version (v3.106) is now released. It contains various minor modifications, bug fixes, and updates. I know I should be recording the details of all work done so users can see whether they need to update their software, but I just don't have time. I was originally going to write a blog about twice a week, I'm lucky if it gets done once a month! Anyway, one thing this latest version can do is produce a full Balance Sheet. It always had Asset and Liability account types, I have now added Equity. So you can show where the capital in the business has come from. Although only a small minority of users bother to maintain a Balance Sheet (preferring to leave that sort of thing to their accountants) I felt not having an Equity account type was a serious omission.

I've had a few requests regarding the availability of the source code. The source code is available, under licence, for a fee which is negotiable. The fee will depend on what you intend to do with the source code. Adminsoft Accounts has been developed using Microsoft Visual FoxPro v6. This version of FoxPro has been around since the late nineties, but I use it because it will run on just about any Windows PC from Windows 95 onwards, and it allows users to install Adminsoft Accounts without having their registry messed around with or having any DLL's installed. So Adminsoft Accounts will not affect any other software on the users machine. Also, if they wished, they could install Adminsoft Accounts on a ZIP disk or USB memory stick and use it on any Windows PC without actually installing it on that PC, just run it straight off the disk or memory stick. So I stick with FoxPro v6. However, FoxPro v6 projects can be run by later versions of FoxPro with little or no problem. So if you want to use the source code with say FoxPro v9, that would not be an issue.

2007-07-17 Tuesday: Can't believe it's over two months since my last entry! I have been so busy getting v3.096 ready for release. Finally, it's now available for download. This latest version may not look much different to previous versions, but it fixes a number of bugs. Especially the problem with creating new sales analysis codes, and printing of invoices and credit notes. I'm already working on the next release!

In my previous blog, I asked if there was anyone out there interested in becoming a partner to promote the software. I had some interesting replies, and made some good contacts. But as yet have not found a suitable person to help drive the business forward. so if anyone is interested.......

2007-05-05 Saturday: I have decided to look for a business partner in the United Kingdom. Adminsoft is basically a one man band, and I realize if I am to make a success of this venture I need help. I can't do the development, support, marketing, and sales all by myself. I am looking for someone with a solid background in sales and marketing, preferably in financial/accounting software or a related industry.

This is a great opportunity for the right person to come on board and start selling a product that is already in use all around the World. Little or no investment will be required, but you will need to be sufficiently financed to be able to work for a period without pay until sales are well established. If you want to get involved, drop me an email ( with a few details about yourself and I'll send back a brief outlining the current position and where I think the market is, etc. Serious enquiries only please.

2007-04-24 Tuesday: I've been updating the web site. Mainly cosmetic stuff. In particular I have attached Google Ads. For no other reason than they pay me money every time someone clicks on an advert! Not very much money though :-( Will be lucky if I clear $50 a month! As you can see, I'm no web developer. So don't let the poor state of my web site put you off the my software. I am FAR better at developing traditional business applications like accounts systems. If the Google Ads get in the way, I might take them off. We'll see.

2007-04-10 Tuesday: What happened??? It's nearly a month and a half since my last blog! I was hoping to do one at least once a week....... Anyway, in the meantime the competition wasn't exactly a HUGE success, but I did get a handful of interesting suggestions for improving the software. I have selected the winner, and will be implementing his suggestion into the software later this year, I won't reveal what it is at this time.

The reason for not blogging for so long is that I have been very busy getting ready the latest release of Adminsoft Accounts. This is version 3.077 There is no single big difference between this and the previous live version (v3.075), just lots of little improvements. But it's amazing just how much time it's consumed. One of the main criticisms of the software is that because it is so comprehensive, if you're inexperienced with accounts software you may find it a little difficult to use until you get used to it. If you've used accounts software before you'll probably get the hang of it right away. The latest version now brings up a simple menu to help first time users get started, and has an improved help system. Work will continue throughout this year on making it easier to use.

OK, that's it for now. I won't leave it a month and a half until the next blog. Promise.

2007-02-27 Tuesday: WIN A FULL 10 USER VERSION OF ADMINSOFT ACCOUNTS! I've been putting together a 'To do' list. Consisting of all the modifications and additions I want to make to the software. Most of it is quite minor stuff though. What I really want is some ideas from you guys?

What do you really want to see in your accounts system? What would make Adminsoft Accounts stand out from the rest (I mean even more than it does now......). Do you really need fully customizable invoices? Customizable reports? Additional modules like payroll, sales prospecting, sales order processing, point of sale, etc. ? Please let me know! You see if I just guess, I could spend weeks, or months, developing some software I think you need, only to find no one is interested!

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please email me ( and I will respond. The best idea received will WIN the competition. The competition closes on Friday 16th March 2007. I will judge which idea is the best, and my judgment is final, bla, bla, bla.....

I look forward to hearing you!

2007-02-23 Friday: Can't believe it's the end of the week already! Anyway, I want to talk about user feedback. Those of you who have used Adminsoft Accounts will know that you have an opportunity to provide some feedback. It is very useful for me to know how you get on with the software, and what you think about it. Some of the comments are very interesting.

One user complained that only a selection of invoice formats is available, ie. they are not fully customizable. He/she goes on to say "The idea that the people who design this stuff charge SO much for SO little is TOTALLY INFURIATING...". The fact that the Adminsoft Accounts Freeware they were using is FREE appears to have passed him/her by!

Another user was concerned about where their data is kept: "Is all my data for my \"business\" stored on your computer or mine?". Good point. I can understand the concern. ALL data is kept on your local computer. I can assure everyone, that NO accounting data at all is kept on our servers. If you want to check that out, disable your internet access, and then run Adminsoft Accounts, you'll find it'll run fine and all your data is accessible.

See ya next week.

2007-02-19 Monday: This is the very first blog! I have been developing Adminsoft Accounts for over three years now. It represents thousands of man hours of work. It has been running on a couple of select sites for a year or so, but I only started marketing it late December last year. At the moment, the 'marketing' consists of a little web site optimization and submission of the software to lots of freeware/shareware download sites. So far, if you do a search for 'free accounting software' the site is in first position in MSN, but appears several pages down in Yahoo and Google. But that's not bad considering I've only been promoting it for two months, and with zero marketing spend! What is impressive (well, to me anyway) is that over one thousand people have downloaded the software! It is hard to tell how many of those are using it on a regular basis, but indications are around 20%. I'm happy with that, it means 200 users already, and the numbers can only grow. I'm also very pleased to see that my software is being used all over the World, in places like USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, and various European countries, United Kingdom in particular, of course.

The current version of the software is 3.075 I am now working on the next version, this involves fixing a few bugs, but mainly making enhancements and adding extra features. My main worry at the moment is ease of use, and I'm looking for any idea's anyone might have on making the software as easy to use as possible. Hint, hint...

I'll be uploading a new blog maybe twice a week. So, until the next one, see ya.

Year: 2008

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2024-03-28 Thursday: Adminsoft Accounts has been completely free to use since December 2006. In recent years the new Sales Prospecting and Sales Order Processing modules have not been available (in theory…) to those using the software for free ... more
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